Spring next year is optimistic. Lol
I swear with One Piece the year feels ao short...
Yeah man, to give OP credit, it's been making the pandemic easiers to
cope with it at least. Well at least trying to lol. Now here comes the real question, which will end first? Act 3 or even OP itself or the Pandemic?
I know mentioning the pandemic is probably not a good idea as the can of worms it will probably unleash but in all seriousness, OP despite its huge flaws, is helping me to get through it. I still rather OP sped up somewhat (not too much ofc) so it didn't take a turtle's pacing to get through the story, but if it comes at the expense of Oda's health and thus potentially his life too especially, then it will never be worth it ofc. I want to see Oda live to complete One Piece and retire and rest his damn ass FOR ONCE! He's a father too ofc and I imagine his wife would appreciate it too naturally LOL!
One of my biggest fears in life legit is me passing away before I see OP end or worse, Oda passes away before it ends, like what happened with Miura and Berserk! I know it's a taboo topic for a lot of people in the community understandably, but it almost because a reality a few times now and after Miura, I'm far more paranoid for Oda now too especially.
Kubo downright destroyed his health doing Bleach too before, I've heard of some other famous mangaka doing the same too, this industry is a killer! I genuinely want Oda to live long and prosper, beyond One Piece even. He wanted to tour the world when he turns 50, which is in 4 years time now....
But yeah enough of the random tangent, back to the actual topic lmao, I did fear that I was being optimistic with that estimated end time for Wano. I suppose as much as I hate the idea, we probably have around 50 something chapters left? At least even? Including closure and such? I think Luffy vs Katakuri was around 25/26 chapters or so, Kaido has been fighting a lot already so I am wondering, is Oda gonna give him the Katakuri treatment and we're gonna get a super long solo fight with Luffy and Kaido soon? I rather Oda makes it a short fight and we focus on wrapping up all the storylines in Wano and get some actual plot progression and more lore reveals, I'm dying for that Kaido flashback as well as a Rocks Pirates one now too!
There's so many things left to wrap up in Wano, so many things yet to be explored, revealed and discussed. I really don't want Morj to be right about Wano being 200+ chapters but at this point, I'm getting scared for it lmao.
One Piece was said to be 80, maybe 85% done I think by the time Wano started? By Oda or his editors? I imagine we're going straight to Elbaf after this but we still got Vegapunk, the SSG, Weevil, Shanks, Blackbeard, probably Lodestar ofc, Laugh Tale, Imu, the WG in general, Marie Geoise, Admirals and Marines generally, Sword and so on. I can't imagine how Oda is gonna tie all of this together especially if OP is meant to wrap up in a few years as a lot of people including me suspect? Maybe 5-7 years max?
Ironically, the chapters outside of Wano, the intermission ones, like the Reverie ones have been absolutely amazing and breathtaking, along with the Roger and WB parts of the Oden flashback. If Oda can drop stuff that amazing on us so unexpectedly, I can't even imagine what he has planned for the rest and end of Wano and thus after it too especially!
