Search in your heart.
How the fuck do you envision Usopp beating the likes of Van Augr and/or Yasopp even by unlocking adv. CoC imbued pop greens?
The "special" thing about Usopp was his sniping capacity and strategies with gadgets to win fights (spill alcohol on Chew then light his ass on fire, then bash his skull with a hammer), use the tunnels to blow mrs merry christmas and mr4, use the dials against Luffy, hide the inflammable gas with rotten eggs smell, etc.
His biggest "win" in the NW is against Sugar. How was the fight? Oh yes. He was beat down to a pulp, then Sugar shoved a tabasco thing down his throat thinking it was poison, then Usopp made a funny face and she fainted from scare. Making opponent faint from scare...oh yes. Like Perona...the gag became the norm.
And how he beat Sugar the second time? By using a ammunition that SOMEHOW mimicked his funny face AGAIN.
One gag victory in the arc wasn't enough? Make it double.
When Usopp used those Pop Greens in the beginning of the TS, I was hyped. "oh man, Oda is gonna create some cool ways of Usopp beating his opponents with these versatile things. And Oda made him buffed AF, so maybe now he can even tank some hits without getting completely destroyed."
What a fool I was...thinking Oda wouldnt go for the lazy route.
Most SH's are a shadow of their pre-TS selves, but Usopp, to me, by far takes the cake as the biggest disappointment.
I forgot to respond to this earlier but I completely agree with this man. You put into words exactly my problems with Usopp, he was the most creative, ingenious straw hat pre TS and he ended up helping Nami so much, letting her have a way to actually fight ultimately ofc.
The Sugar stuff is one of the worst pieces of writing in One Piece and anything I've read or watched too. It was worse than the worst of Fairy Tail and Bleach even for me. Actually it was on par with some of the insane shit those series did but given how immensely high OP set the standards for other series pre TS, it was really depressing and ultimately frustrating to read.
You really explained it so well, I can't praise it enough. This is exactly what is so wrong with Usopp and some of the other SHs post TS and people laud Oda for this?! Its no wonder the writing has gotten much worse when people will praise Oda no matter what garbage he throws in amongst all the good stuff he does do!
I was so hyped for his new botanist route and what he could have learnt from Heracles who seemed really hype too, a potential Revolutionary Commander too, but that was all false hype. Fishman Island was still his best moment post TS. Usopp was so raw at times pre TS both in endurance and skill, feats and emotional and brave moments. Now he's an awful gag character who is probably even more cowardly than he was pre TS.
Elbaf is my last hope for him, I'm not even sure how he's supposed to take on Van Auger who took out a seagull across the sea from Jaya or something? That IMMENSE distance/sniping feat?! What Usopp did at Enies Lobby was peak epicness and badassery, the way he saved Robin from sniping from the Enies Lobby tower or so. Peak One Piece right there.
They really are shadows of their previous selves, insulting parodies of who they once were. And yet we met the "fake straw hats" back at Sabaody post TS ironically.
Thank you so much for saying this anyway, it's very reassuring and encouraging! Also btw you mentioned "search your heart", isn't that where Sniper Island is? LOL

Baffles me everytime i see people believing he is ending One Piece in 5 years
Can you actually believe he will move from drawing Wano for 3 years to suddenly doing everything else its left in only 3 or 2 years max or something? And Wano isn't even over
He's definitely milking the series, dragging it out. We're gradually getting closer to Morj's claim that Wano will be over 200 chapters too.
There's no way he can wrap up the story properly in 3 years or less, not even including the around 15 breaks a year too?!
I really don't want One Piece to get a rushed, hollow ending (especially like Bleach did and thus that hollow pun lmao) but if Oda carries on like this, he may not get a choice due to his health problems and overworking himself?
Now we're getting closer to the end too, he's bound to want to draw more of the story, write and express it out for us and do all his amazing panels, double spreads, character moments and such, all those intricate, vast backgrounds and details he loves doing too. Imagine what we could be in for with Rocks Pirates, Imu's reveal, Elbaf, Lodestar, Laugh Tale, Vegapunk, the SSG, Green Bull, more DF awakenings including Luffy's inevitable one etc?
Oda might lose himself to his hype too much, finally getting to the true pinnacle of his story, the summit/peak he always aspired to and the grand war that is gonna make "Marineford look cute" and involve all the major factions in One Piece most likely. The grand Throne War that Doflamingo mentioned would happen after he was captured and thus the race to sit on the empty throne of Mary Geoise and be king of the world as well as to get the One Piece and be Pirate King ofc?
I'm genuinely scared for Oda especially with what happened to Miura and Kubo too. Kubo is still here thankfully ofc and is working on a major comeback but both he and Oda need to seriously be careful with their own health more than anything. I might be very angry at Oda, fed up with him and such but I never ever want to see him work himself to death, to leave his epic, incredible, one of a kind story unfinished and thus never reaching it's full potential and conclusion as it truly deserves.
I didnt even know that Pinkbeard‘s official english name is Peachbeard. In german for some reason he is called Pinkbeard lol
I saw him translated as Pinkbeard in fan scanlations or w/e but yeah I do remember it being changed to Peachbeard for the official scans. That is very odd, why specifically peach and not pink? Where's Redbeard too? Such an infamous name in history too? And thus where's Bluebeard, a famous name in folk tales too? (Wait a minute, Elbaf maybe?) Also maybe a Greenbeard and a "Yellowbeard"? LOL
What am I even talking about anymore?
