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It's easy to get stuck with this logic and not be able to get what comes next. Remember that this is a Shonen and the "power" hierarchy will 100% get thrown out the window in the final arcs. None of the future villains have to be teamed up against when it comes to fightjng them. That already elevates Kaido in a way that doesn't dismantle future fights. Just start simple:

- We don't know Blackbeards upper limit. He can (and should) very well be stronger than Kaido by the EoS. Don't expect this to be Blackbeard tanking and tanking and tanking Luffy's attacks. Expect Blackbeard to actually fight back and use his hax powers.

- Akainu probably has the strongest AP on the series. His devil fruit plus his haki, while certainly not making him more durable than Kaido, it may give Luffy a run for his money.

- We know virtually nothing about Shanks and his upper limit. We know he "stopped" Kaido, but we don't know to what extent. We know that Kaido thinks of Shanks as a threat, as hes one of the few men who can hurt him or have managed to.

- Im is a complete enigma, so are the Gorosei.

Really all I have to say about this. Luffy surpassing a Yonko does not mean the same result happens with future fights.
My counter is

Kaido is right now known as the worlds strongest, so the endgame changing towards BB to me doesnt make as good of writing. That's why a teamup would have been logically better because the powerscaling to beat BB or Shanks would be far more logical. Same logic to Shanks

I beg to differ Akainu's AP is stronger than Kaido's that's splitting hairs because there really isnt definitive proof.
wuuuuuuuut, I think Wano is a terrible arc, made a poll and even stated it's been the worst arc and shared my criticisms of Zoro. If there's a comment arguing me saying Wano is the best PostTimeSkip arc from waaaaaaaaay back. post the link please I have no issue taking it back and owning up to being completely wrong

B i dont even think we've even had an argument on here, i guess we had i love being popular

That Benn Beckmann Charm
Oh we had that conversation, awhile ago...
I'll try to find it if I can in the thousands of posts that we've made since then, but I remember me posting something along the lines of "Wano is the worst arc in one piece and the last nail in one piece's coffin," and then I preceded with "if one thing Wano proved is that power levels don't exist anymore" and was immediately attacked by barrage of stupidity from Zoro-Cultists saying that "Wano is the best arc and that power scaling exists it's just I can't understand it."

Sugimoto 14

Dragon is hella overhyped. Even more than Shanks and as of now he only drank tea with Okamas while his commanders fought Admirals at Mariejois.
Dragon is the single most overhyped character in the verse. People act like he is Top 1 caliber, but the story does not portray him like that.

The World's Strongest Man was Whitebeard and the World's Strongest Creature was Kaido. Dragon NEVER got that kind of portrayal.

His Revolutionary Commanders dont even have Tobi Roppo level bounties and the FOUR of them probably got clapped by 2 Admirals.

He ran away from Blackbeard.
imma be real and warn you guys.

going forward, we will be seeing power-scaling threads comparing the size of the sky-split explosion and extrapolate which person is stronger based on the explosion size.

Ehhhh, I think you are undershooting.

No joke, we still have:

- We still have 3 other other major enemies besides King/Queen (Fuku, Apoo, Hawkins; it's possible the latter 2 switch sides but who knows)
- We still have Numbers
- We still have Orochi and his BS.
- We still have tertiary characters like Hiyori and Tengu and Toko.
- We still have the plot direction of all remaining Strawhats and allies and what they do for the remainder of the war
- We still have the potential for CP-0 and BMP post legitimate threats and take panel time
- We still have likely flashbacks for Kaido and maybe Yamato still. We still need that Zoro connection

And that's just not including the ~2/3 chapters Zoro and Sanji are warranted per fight (guaranteed they get longer fights than the F6 ones or at least are given far more focus). Then not only is Kaido a major villain, but so is BM, so not only does he have to go down, but she will likely too. If that's the case, one probably won't go down too long before the other, meaning both fights will occur simultaneously for a while.

I'm just saying, it's always better to overestimate with Oda at the tail end of his arcs. He will drag out the Yonko fights in order to literally end every other relevant plotline in the arc
The non SH fights will be concluded quickly. Hiyori and orochi stuff can be resolved in a 1 or 2 chapters. Same with BM vs Kid and Law since BM isn't being defeated anyway. Zoro and Sanji fights will concluded in 2 full chapters max each. Kaido is not getting a massive flashback so that can also be done within a few chapters.
I really don´t get Oda, he choose ways who are wrong in anyway.
Just look into that:
-He spending over 80 chapters to build up the raid and even in the raid he skip many fights, we see much times running and fodders going down. Of the Big mom pirates he only take Perospero here since he has a buisness with the MInks in Oda view, okay you saying.
What he is doing? He skip Carrot and Wanda vs Perospero and you already start asking why Oda even take Pero here if he anyway get show in offscreen battles? But then you thinking himself that he going to get later a his main fight because Oda giving him enough build up as character, taking him extra to Wano for his plot, so you accept the offscreen battle with Wanda and Carrot since you thinking he going to get a full fight chapter later.

Then the Nekomamushi revenge plot is happening, you are happy that Perospero finally get his fight and the way how Oda build it up, you thinking that we going to see the fight soon, like the build up was similar to flying six who get at least 1-2fight chapters.

The same for Jack, his whole fights so far where shown in offscreen, the dude has not any named attack so far, even Tama as non fighter has one named skill while Jack has nothing. Then we see Jack at rooftop vs Sulong Minks, hyping to see that battle, but nope Oda offscreen it, we see Jack winning and facing now Sulong Neko+Sulong Inu, you thinking, okay if he offscreen the battle since we finally see the revenge plot with Inu+Neko vs Jack, but again nope, he offscreen it again to a point where you asking himself if Jack is really a commander, since even Ulti and Pageone getting even more screentime in fight scene case.

But you see Jack coming back later and the plot with the Scabbards starts, to a point when Jack get finally his 1on1 too. You are hyped to see Inu vs Jack, but again he offscreen even the hybrid form moment of Jack and just show is parelle to other scenes. At this point I start becaming mad but seeing Oda finally let using Inu his sulong form give you hope that we see soon 1-2fight chapterr without offscreening.
Overall you see Oda extra take Jack back and give him proper build up for his battle against Inu.

And what Oda doing now? He offscreening again Perospero and Jack, a fucking commander with so far not any named attack or haki using overall. When we spend for a entire arc with 120chapters, he decide to skip the most important fights for the reader after all the build uup which he do in the past. Even fodders get more screentime, hell even Holdem had more screentime and showcase of his skills then Jack lol. I really try to understand Oda, why bring Pero and Jack, giving them proper fight build up only to end their fights again in offscreen? Wtf is he thinking which that? After 120chapters for he the arc he start to think to rush up the pace? That is probably the most biggest problem of Oda as mangaka which I never like. He spend to much time for irrelevant stuff which the readers don´t wanna read and then when he is worried about the time, he skip the most important parts after the great build up which he had for them in the past. That is actually not a great writing and sad for Perospero/Jack to get handle this poor after they already getting trashed manytimes in this arc.

Kinda dehype me for the other fights, probably he rush Hawkins vs Killer+Raizo vs Fuku next chapter and then speed up Sanji+Zoro vs Queen+King. Kaido so far is a great villian and you can feel his danger threatment, but his crew are shown here as jokes, the underdogs of the arc which we never had before lol...
Oh we had that conversation, awhile ago...
I'll try to find it if I can in the thousands of posts that we've made since then, but I remember me posting something along the lines of "Wano is the worst arc in one piece and the last nail in one piece's coffin," and then I preceded with "if one thing Wano proved is that power levels don't exist anymore" and was immediately attacked by barrage of stupidity from Zoro-Cultists saying that "Wano is the best arc and that power scaling exists it's just I can't understand it."
If I did I will take you at your word and say that was hypocritical and I was flat out wrong about Wano

Want to clarify if I said Wano was a good arc at any point was hypocritical of me and I was flat out wrong... like just wrong... very very wrong
Majority of Fans: WTF is this. All agreeing this is terrible writing

Die hard Luffy fans: ThIs Is AmAzInG WrItInG YoU SaLtY BiTcHeS
mAjOriTY oF FaNS, lol.........more like 10-25 people in this forum who in general has double standards about two same situations with and without their favorite all the time....maybe they would have done the same, had this forum exist since 2000........that is the definition of being "salty"
i don't think so.
Jack is fighting a non-SH, thats why Oda rushed it.
No one really cares about the minks lets be real here.
Zoro and Sanji tho....

Many cared about their match up with Jack tho, getting their revenge. They cared a lot more than wasting time to stall for Luffy's chapter 1000 bs moment or thr shitshow of chapters that included Usopp/Tama/Nami
And what Oda doing now? He offscreening again Perospero and Jack, a fucking commander with so far not any named attack or haki using overall. When we spend for a entire arc with 120chapters, he decide to skip the most important fights for the reader after all the build uup which he do in the past. Even fodders get more screentime, hell even Holdem had more screentime and showcase of his skills then Jack lol. I really try to understand Oda, why bring Pero and Jack, giving them proper fight build up only to end their fights again in offscreen? Wtf is he thinking which that? After 120chapters for he the arc he start to think to rush up the pace? That is probably the most biggest problem of Oda as mangaka which I never like. He spend to much time for irrelevant stuff which the readers don´t wanna read and then when he is worried about the time, he skip the most important parts after the great build up which he had for them in the past. That is actually not a great writing and sad for Perospero/Jack to get handle this poor after they already getting trashed manytimes in this arc.
I echo your sentiment. I do think we would get half a chapter of jack + pero's fights tho.
So technically it is not off-screening but yea it feels rushed.
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