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Nah I despise Oda and One Piece more. No Oda, no One Piece no cult simply as that.

Yep definitely need 15 minutes primetime on TV and brainwash the people into stop supporting this trash. And the current state of the world showed how easy it is.

Yep I had so fucking big hopes for Wano. As One Piece itself it had potential to be one the best arcs in manga history, but as always The Mangaka absolutely failed on that matter
The reason I said I hate the fanbase more is because that is the only reason why Oda continues to write this trash arcs. I wish Oda actually had accountably where his editors grew some balls, and tell him his writing is shit. But Oda only hires yes men, that just suck his dick in whatever he writes. All Oda had to do this Wano arc was to focus on the past samari and how they are relevant to the void century, focus on swords, void century flashback, get rid of stupid irrelevant side characters like Orochi and Tama, have the whole supernova tag team Kaido, very simple things but Oda decided this crap and I have no idea what made him chose this path.
If law and kidd win won't their bounties shoot up to higher than 2,2 b Blackbeard?
Luffy and Law got 500 mill a head for taking down Doffy. Something similar will happen for taking down Big Mom.

Probably 2 bill a head for Kid/Law. Still below Blackbeard's 2.2 billion, but BB will rise anyhow.
Carrot role is to protect neko from beast pirates fodder since he can't move now but then if carrot can move to do that why she couldn't move to enough to stop pero unless marco or hiyori shows up and heal them oda really fuck up:kobeha::kobeha:
Huge gap with Jack via portrayal since the very first time Oda introduces them. Jack is only inserted in that scene to hype them up and look like a chump in comparison :milaugh:

The 1 bil + commanders are a different breed, and Oda had characters hype them up as such since WCI.

Like Jimbe said that Luffy makes a huge bet trying to fight someone with a bounty over 1 Bil when he pushed KAtakuri off the Sunny.

Luffy made a big deal about surpassing Katakuri for all his worth mentioning his over 1 bil bounty.

Marco hyped King and Queen's strength via their bounty as opponents worth over 1 bil.

It's a clear trend and where Oda draws the line between the strongest YC's and the rest.
There's no huge gap between Jack & King/Queen

Common fighters...
Oda doesn't view them as he views Katakuri.

It's not about 1b+, it's about treatment
King and Queen aren't having a huge presence like Katakuri had. Nobody really going about " you can't beat X 1v1"

One thing for sure, beast pirates love hyping themselves yet can't deliver.
Still waiting for any calamity to have better feat or combat feat than Cracker


The reason I said I hate the fanbase more is because that is the only reason why Oda continues to write this trash arcs. I wish Oda actually had accountably where his editors grew some balls, and tell him his writing is shit. But Oda only hires yes men, that just suck his dick in whatever he writes. All Oda had to do this Wano arc was to focus on the samari, focus on swords, void century flashback, get rid of stupid irrelevant side characters like Orochi and Tama, have the whole supernova tag team Kaido, very simple things but Oda decided this crap and I have no idea what made him chose this path.
Art is subjective not objective. If millions of people enjoy OP and have kept making it the #1 manga, the problem isn't the manga itself or its author or its fanbase, the problem is YOU. Just stop reading it bro, but you probably wont because its pretty fun to hate on something. I get it :cheers:
It’s wild to think some people were saying Sanji should fight Perospero earlier this in arc

He couldn’t even make it past Sanji’s introduction scene against Queen lmao


The Road To Harmony
Momo did his thing against Kaido. He proved his bravery, and now he can go and take care of Onigashima's fall. This will be when the citizens of Wano see a pink dragon and are scared. Hitetsu may need to calm them down. Maybe that's when he offers Ame No Habakiri? Would be weird to give a dragon a katana, I guess.

I'm glad Luffy gets his time against Kaido alone. We've already had the group fight as well as Yamato getting their time against Kaido, though I'd have liked a bit more if it ends here. Since his crew have mostly managed/will manage to beat their respective opponents alone, Luffy should, too, if he ever hopes to meet Shanks as an equal after this arc. The sky splitting is a tell Luffy is a proper peer to Kaido.
Art is subjective not objective. If millions of people enjoy OP and have kept making it the #1 manga, the problem isn't the manga itself or its author or its fanbase, the problem is YOU. Just stop reading it bro, but you probably wont because its pretty fun to hate on something. I get it :cheers:
If I write a manga, do you think my writing is good or bad?


When were you under the impression this game is..
Luffy: trains his ass off, perfects his haki, fight stronger opponents, struggles, gets haki bloom and power ups
"Oda is a trash writer, how dare he focus on MC and give him asspull powerups"

Zoro and Sanji: fight fodders, get haki bloom and powerups
"Zoro most powerful, Zoro was always stronger, Sanji is strong even without training".
There's no huge gap between Jack & King/Queen

Common fighters...
Oda doesn't view them as he views Katakuri.

It's not about 1b+, it's about treatment
King and Queen aren't having a huge presence like Katakuri had. Nobody really going about " you can't beat X 1v1"

One thing for sure, beast pirates love hyping themselves yet can't deliver.
Still waiting for any calamity to have better feat or combat feat than Cracker
WW gets owned by Jinbe = There's a huge gap between Calamities and WW
Jack gets owned by Inu = There's a huge gap between Jack and King/Queen
Queen gets owned by Sanji = Rinse and repeat

Every time someone gets defeated, there'll be a "huge gap" between them and the yet undefeated people. Perfect mental gymnastics.
Luffy and Law got 500 mill a head for taking down Doffy. Something similar will happen for taking down Big Mom.

Probably 2 bill a head for Kid/Law. Still below Blackbeard's 2.2 billion, but BB will rise anyhow.
Doflamingo is a pirate whose strength is probably in the 600-700m class at best.
Atleast Oda did a decent job on showing how close how strong Perospero is, to the point he can be compared to a YC3

And how far King and Queen are from Jack and the rest (Tobiroppo, Perospero and stuff)

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