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let’s be real, u know damn while you dnt have any logical explanation for cracker beating Law. It virtually impossible, Laws a significantly more versatile fighter. Cracker has Zero chance.

He doesn’t even have a damn range offense, how the hell he going to fight 1 of the best range fighters in the tier??

Ur reading comprehension extremely poor lol. Hawkins literally never touches law in any of there on screen fights dumbass.... He consistently was being outshined to the point Hawkins need hostages. So where it implied at any point he couldn’t beat him? Or got help in the fight? This isn’t kid with 4 people vs apoo.....
cute explanation tho, cracker doing “far better against g4, been debunked hundreds of times”. I’m not about to even go over that nonsense.

But can I get the explanation on how Queen/or Jack combat DR law? He’s faster then both by a noticeable margin. To the point Doffy/Fuji combined still find it problematic to catch him. Even then unable to keep him restrain. An neither have any Haki hype to imply they stop Laws hax.

How do they combat the massive difference in range? Laws environmental manipulation, shambles, an room slashes. The best range attack between them some damn lasers lls.

“cute explanation” you zeroed in on what I said about Cracker and ignored everything else... I wonder why that is

Haki? You’re putting Law in these scenarios without acknowledging the gap in haki that could make his abilities almost useless.

That’s the problem with scaling Law because you never know exactly how much haki is required to prevent him from using his hax abilities on you. For example, why didn’t Law cut Doflamingo in half? Why didn’t he shambles him into the ocean? Because it’s not as simple as “well he can just shambles and cut them”

Haki again
CoC is linked to overall strength , your PL

Doesn't matter if luffy used g4 or not, he will still split the sky coz he's truly top tier now.
Same way kaido does it in base vs bm and hybrid vs Luffy
Prime BB is more special than Kaidou, imo Luffy must surpass his Prime version so Oda will make Prime BB ridiculously stronk
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G5 vs BB = splitting the moon, Saturn and Jupiter :neesama:
No moon and earth is enough
Saturn and Jupiter is for luffy and imu clash:steef:
“cute explanation” you zeroed in on what I said about Cracker and ignored everything else... I wonder why that is
That part was just plain wrong that’s why I spoke on it. The rest is semi debatable since doffy still technically not YFM imo. But Jozu literally been turn into a chair by doffy, an even unfroze his self against the attack that put Jozu completely down. He also implies he can take on Fuji, with Kuzan himself suggesting Admirals are needed for him. So I dnt see anything working in vista/Jozu favor personally.

Haki? You’re putting Law in these scenarios without acknowledging the gap in haki that could make his abilities almost useless.
What gap? That’s the problem Jack already defeated... wat about his haki implies it can handle literally any of Laws high end hax?? People always forced the belief that ever YC was some haki expert. Now we know that’s not the case, some are focused in that aspect (Kata), others rely on DF powers(Marco)
That’s the problem with scaling Law because you never know exactly how much haki is required to prevent him from using his hax abilities on you. For example, why didn’t Law cut Doflamingo in half? Why didn’t he shambles him into the ocean? Because it’s not as simple as “well he can just shambles and cut them”

Haki again
Doffy had knowledge on laws abilities an fought in a manner specifically to stop him from using his power. You never saw doffy on panel trying or implying his haki, would prevent Laws attacks. That’s not the case here, queen/Jack dnt have doffy mobility or knowledge. An zero range ability, they honestly dnt stand a chance. Styles make fights in one piece, an the difference in range capabilities glarin
Anything that uses Warlord level as a parameter in power-scaling unironically is definitely a casual or a crackhead
As opposed to right hand level that includes Rayleigh and Marco, or Vice Admiral level that includes Maynard and Tsuru?

Some “levels” are just ranges. Nothing wrong with that. Moriah proved there is a minimum level for Warlord (unless it’s a gag like Buggy).
No moon and earth is enough
Saturn and Jupiter is for luffy and imu clash:steef:
I imagine Luffy vs Imu doesnt break physical gross object anymore, i imagine they will break physics like make holes in spacetime/dimension like Gogeta vs Broly :suresure:

Zoro vs Mihawk should slice and dice Red Line and whole continents into fine threads making all New World citizens into homeless families :suresure:
I imagine Luffy vs Imu doesnt break physical gross object anymore, i imagine they will break physics like make holes in spacetime/dimension like Gogeta vs Broly :suresure:

Zoro vs Mihawk should slice and dice Red Line and whole continents into fine threads making all New World citizens into homeless families :suresure:
luffy vs imu clash destroy the universe and all characters died just baggy luffy and imu survived. Luffy beat imu and baggy kill imu and luffy :steef::steef::steef::steef:
When again?

Also I am pretty sure he won't. We will see a new finishing attack though
Chapter 955, a new version of king kong gun.
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It's because it came of nowhere, especially with how Luffy just got his ass kicked 30 minutes before:kayneshrug: If Oda wanted to magically make Luffy this powerful it should have happened in chapter 1010 or 1011 where Luffy first used adv COC. Why Luffy can do a sky splitting clash now and not at that moment? Did his haki get magically stronger?
Reach chaoter 1010- 1015. Read what Kaido said about Luffy's usage of CoC. He said Luffy 's use of Adv CoC was crude and clumsy. That was when he just awakened it

Luffy just got better control of it, combined with his haki blooming naruarally in extreme fights
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This chapter feels like 1010 where people were saying Luffy is Admiral level now they are saying they are saying Luffy is yonko level and is stronger than Big Mom
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