General & Others Am I the only one waiting for only one thing: the end of Wano

bruh, only subhuman defends AOT ending especially when ch121 was the highest quality chapter of a manga period and the bar is not even close.
the character assasination of eren alone is worse than fairy tail lmao
As terrible as AOT ending was, I still prefer it to anything Wano. At least in AOT things actually happened, where as in Wano nothing has happened other than Luffy stroke off and fairy tail power ups.
The entire Yonkou saga was something that had absurd potential, but in the end it came down bitter like sperm in my throat. And Wano's arc seems to me the most badly planned arc of the entire saga, which I've been disliking since the introduction of Oden.

I hope Elbaf will bring my spirit back to the next saga, having a lot of potential for it:
• Since all the arcs in which Oda doesn't reuse the same worn-out structure of a cliché bow, with Luffy saving the people from a big villain, they're pretty nice;
• And possibly there won't be the contingent of characters being underused, while Oda spends pages with rush and crude plots.

I can only imagine how ghastly the final war will be, which will possibly have a much larger number of characters than we are having in Wano. I already feel the disappointment filling me.
LOL and I thought "whenthe fuck did all of Worst Gen suddenly know French" :crazwhat:
Worst gen just headcannon fluent french and make it works:goyea:
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As terrible as AOT ending was, I still prefer it to anything Wano. At least in AOT things actually happened, where as in Wano nothing has happened other than Luffy stroke off and fairy tail power ups.
Im still salty. We could have end of evangelion tier of ending and he gave us a typical marvel ending.
wano made straw hats second figure n only focus on luffy ,momo,oden n saurai plus long n long running n padding hurt the pace badly ....
oda decision to focus on oden n scabbies really hurt the story :lusalty::lusalty:

to be honest AOt ending also looks like a Crap on par on wano isayama watched GOT ending and Guardian of the galaxy n think Woah that,s awesome let,s put it in my story lol :gokulaugh:
Everyone wants it to end.
That doesn't mean i'm not enjoying the events happening currently but even at my most optmistic this arc has been a very mixed bag.
But i'm still excited for the end of the remaining battles.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Omelette du fromage
A fucking Dexter’s Lab reference?!?! :kawak::arnoling:

OT (possibly, don’t know French): I have had my expectations lowered so far as to be subterranean after this many years following along with OP on a weekly basis, so while I’m enjoying Wano more than most - if not as much as I should be considering how badly Oda wanted to get here - I’m as ready to start the last phase of the series as anyone else.


Talent is something you make bloom.
A fucking Dexter’s Lab reference?!?! :kawak::arnoling:

OT (possibly, don’t know French): I have had my expectations lowered so far as to be subterranean after this many years following along with OP on a weekly basis, so while I’m enjoying Wano more than most - if not as much as I should be considering how badly Oda wanted to get here - I’m as ready to start the last phase of the series as anyone else.
wano made straw hats second figure n only focus on luffy ,momo,oden n saurai plus long n long running n padding hurt the pace badly ....
oda decision to focus on oden n scabbies really hurt the story :lusalty::lusalty:

to be honest AOt ending also looks like a Crap on par on wano isayama watched GOT ending and Guardian of the galaxy n think Woah that,s awesome let,s put it in my story lol :gokulaugh:
Aot ending really numb me tbh.
The thing is I put Isayama and Oda at the same highest tier, above togashi and miura even. It hurts. Isayama did the hard part already, finishing it its nothing compared to the effort he took to establish the whole universe and the story pre rumbling.

I still dont think one piece will end below 8/10 and it will be better than how narutard ended but I am mentally prepare thanks to AOT.
J'ai hâte que Wano se termine et je suis sûr que je ne suis pas le seul à pouvoir enfin passer à autre chose et attaquer ce qui en vaut vraiment la peine : The Final War, The Shanks et BN Crew.

Wano est l'arc le plus décevant de la saga et ne sera jamais au-dessus d'un arc comme Enies Lobby ou Marineford.

Plusieurs points me font dire que l'arc est presque mauvais à sa manière :
-La longueur de l'histoire est très mal gérée on aurait pu imaginer que Dressrosa aurait servi d'exemple à l'auteur mais il faut croire que non. C'était aussi ma peur au début de l'arc, qu'avec un si grand nombre de personnages, l'auteur se perde. Bcp de partie trop longue et qui aurait pu être mieux géré comme la partie dans la prison d'Udon ou le Flashback qui était bcp trop long et casse la dynamique de l'arc, pour moi un flashback ne doit jamais faire plus de 2-3 chapitre quoi que ce soit son importance.
-Les personnages de Wano sont sûrement les plus fades de l'histoire, les fourreaux à part Kiku et Izo ne me touchent pas plus que ça, Orochi qui se présente comme un Spandam n2, Kaido qui est sûrement l'un des antagonistes. plus fade dans l'histoire, une brute sans cervelle qui passe du temps à se faire enfermer par des protas. L'équipage de Kaido est aussi lamentable, Calamities est fade, le seul que je trouve stylé était Jack mais bon il passe son temps en écran éteint. Les Tobi roppo bien qu'élégants étaient très peu développés. Et puis ne parlons pas des Chiffres qui ne sont là que pour servir de punching-ball aux protagonistes.
-Le truc qui me saoule le plus c'est qu'on ne sent jamais le mugis en vrai danger et pourtant il est dans un territoire à 2 yonkou, on peut critiquer Whole Cake Island comme on veut mais au moins dans cet arc il y avait de la tension.
En effet tu n'es pas le seul, j'en ai vraiment marre de Wano. C'est l'arc le plus long et en même temps j'ai l'impression qu'il ne s'est rien passé, c'est difficile à mettre en mots. J'espère que Oda va se rattraper un peu avec les derniers chapitres de cet arc, pour l'instant je suis en grande partie d'accord avec toi sur le fait que c'est assez décevant.
Aot ending really numb me tbh.
The thing is I put Isayama and Oda at the same highest tier, above togashi and miura even. It hurts. Isayama did the hard part already, finishing it its nothing compared to the effort he took to establish the whole universe and the story pre rumbling.

I still dont think one piece will end below 8/10 and it will be better than how narutard ended but I am mentally prepare thanks to AOT.

yeah .... after the basement n marley revealed i already have a hunch " this going to be bad" and after Gabi(the ISIS) KILLING BELOVED POTATO GIRL!!! :seriously::seriously:
i already ready to drop the manga but still want to see the end .... honestly i arleady don,t really care about the characters if they dead or live but the ending .... Man is Sucks so bad :lawsigh::lawsigh::lawsigh: