Strongest YC1

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That's your opinion which is completely fine to have, as is mine, but calling someone biased or saying they have an agenda for not sharing your opinion isn't a fair game. I am not saying you can't point your finger at someone when they're obviously being biased— towards Sanji or any character for that matter. But you should at least have the courtesy to explain why they're being biased before calling them out.

I don't think people thinking Zoro is much stronger than Sanji has anything to do with him being a swordsman. Zoro's been the most prominent character after Luffy who's the undisputed number 2 of the SH crew. His goal also revolves around strength more than anyone else in the crew bar Luffy which is why many believe Zoro must be stronger than Sanji, as he's neither as prominent nor does his character revolve around strength as much as Zoro.

Saying Zoro is as strong as Luffy is just dumb love some Zoro fans have for him and it's equally dumb to say Sanji's comparable to Zoro as far as I am concerned.

I don't think anyone called Sanji weak in general for getting overpowered by King. The most I can remember them saying is King low diffed Sanji which is actually King wank in disguise. I am not saying Sanji doesn't receive any hate. He's one easily among the most slandered characters. And it's not like Sanji's the only character who gets downplayed around these parts.
Sanji is a free "throw dirt at me" pallet, he's what almost everyone starts off with when it comes down to it.
But this was not happened in 15 chapters back i.e. in happened in WCI....
I was talking about sanjikun talking as if Jinbei gave BM a hard time. BM was clearly weakened when he blocked her attack.

BM in a normal state can neg g4 luffy. Up until udon training
Not exactly, but i realize his potential, and i like his design/Df, he has the potential to be really broken, but Olda keeps slipping up and does something else, let's try to forget that Oda just "introduced" the WG as thing to make luffy's adventure more enticing, man is whack.
wasn't kid an exception to that?
i remember reading that kid and law was planned, it was just the rest of the supernova that weren't. am i tripping?:quest:
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