Strongest YC1

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Jozu is living proof that all your arguments are absolute garbage.

People have got to stop comparing fucking Commanders to Boundman AP. No one comes even fucking close. Jozu stopped Mihawk and he pales in comparison to Boundman AP.
You are so salty that Doffy wet his pants thinking about fighting Kaido

While King alone just charged at Big Mom and half of her crew, stopped them and sinked Big Mom to the ocean.

If Beast Pirates can only choose 1 bird: the black pteranodon or the pink flamingo, it would be King. Because Doffy isn't a bird but a pussy.
Lmaoo zoro is indeed a pirate but he refuses to fight someone who is already down. That would hurt your gRanDmAsTeRs reputation as a bad ass character no?
who said kaido gonna be down tho?
kaido gonna fly above the flower capital
and then zoro gonna create his own legend in wano like ryuma
It doesn’t really matter how strong Luffy is, lol.
Luffy was many times stronger than Ulti and yet he still wanted G4.
Never in a million years should Apoo knock out Luffy, even prior to CoC coating, yet it still happened.
You will always have characters land hits on the protagonists, regardless of power levels.
Don't start with the ulti vs Luffy bullshit. We know for a fact Luffy wad holding back heavily in that fight, not using internal destruction haki on her. That was PIS.

Chapter 1009 makes that clear.

Base Luffy was fighting 1 v 1 vs Hybrid kaido with kaido dodging base Luffy internal destrcution advanced armament haki punches before he unlocked Advanced CoC Coating.
Yc1 are a tier above other commanders.

Whenever a Yonko encounters another Yonko’s crew, they try to recruit their first commander.

Shanks tried to recruit Marco.
Big Mom tried to recruit King.

They didn’t ask other commanders. Just the YC1s

Marco was clearly portrayed above Jozu and Vista (despite what people say) at Marineford. Jozu was completely taken out of the fight after WB’s heart attack, while Marco was still up even after his regen was down.

King has clearly been portrayed as above Queen as well, both in the VC and the actual story. King dealt with Marco while Queen dealt with live floor fodder. A casual attack from King that sends Zoro flying could decapitate Queen based on their dialogue.

Katakuri was literally treated as a tier above both Smoothie and Cracker. I don’t feel like I have to argue this.

Ben Beckman is compared to Shanks in his VC. No red hair pirate is given even remotely close to that much wank.
Man, look. I was giving you examples of stronger characters being ragdolled by weaker ones when holding back. Sanji v Drake, Luffy vs Ulti, Zoro vs King, Luffy vs Apoo, Aokiji vs base preskip Luffy being an extreme case, etc etc. Saying that Zoro wasn't using CoA so it massively lowers his AP and defenses.

Idk if you want to just start an aimless shittalk session or you sincerely somehow comprehend that as me saying Zoro=Luffy=Sanji=Aokiji. I hope it's not that, for the sake of your own mental health, but I'll leave the clarification here rather than start talking about things that don't exist.
They were all ragdolled at a point they need Franky to caught them ? Lmaooo you are delusionnal
Moreover you compare early arcs fights to Zoro's final matchups
You are crazy lol

Gol D. Roger

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Jozu is living proof that all your arguments are absolute garbage.

People have got to stop comparing fucking Commanders to Boundman AP. No one comes even fucking close. Jozu stopped Mihawk and he pales in comparison to Boundman AP.
For the 1000th time, why did post-Udon Luffy, who shits on Dressrossa Luffy, who in turn shits Jozu, who then shits on Zoro, not bother trying his luck against Hakai?I wonder if you even realize blocking things isn't even remotely the same thing as breaking free from something that restrains you.

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