Father is still looking for a companion!!
Send in a number to guess, to get his almighty companionship!!
After quite an eventful evening, with a whole of 3 deaths within short succession, you could believe that the townies were in grief.
To think that they couldn't do anything, because they were in shock.
Well, you could say, the opposite happened.
Enraged, Town and their adversaries alike answered to the wakeup call.
First to answer the call of the tower was Cobra Chcicken who somewhere, somehow watched someone, quite unbeknownst to them, seeing their every move.
Well, speaking of moves, Slime was also shown to make some moves as he consumed someone whole, and learned something about them.
All the while the Witch of Crows altered their magics and sent out a herd of crows to investigate someone.
He's been at it all this time, but yet again the Purple Blood Butcher was seen placing magnetic poles on someone.
In search of more informatio Slime analysed someone to identify them.
Out of the woodworks, Pervert had his debut and was seen tailing someone.
Somewhere in the tower A man with a plan was seen thoroughly investigating somene.
All the while the Man with a plan was seen being a bit rough on someone.
While all of the action happens, there is no care in the world for the Spoiled Brat as they nonchalantly walks about and charms whoever is lucky enough to be graced by their presence. They've forced someone to talk differently.
And this time the postal service was on time, The Grateful had sent a letter to someone, hoping for their reply.
While grateful, Time was also seen roughing someone up with their blades.
As well as Time rewinded the passage of time around themselves.
From the grave, the deep vengance of Smoked Cheese Messiah sent down yet another divine punishment, severely damaging someone
However, with not all negatives, finally the hard work of the Abberation Killer bore fruit as he had successfully exorcised the serial Home-Invader Kil'Jaeden at long last!
While this was happening,
Team Big Booba Busters with the help of Roach has advanced up to the Floor of Silver, while all other teams have reached the Floor of Bronze!
They gained the item:
Shottie's Humble Attitude from the floor of Bronze
But unfortunately, there is one who is no longer with us..
it is none other than
His role was ???
It is now Day 3
4 days remaining untill imminent defeat.