Is Sanji's Power Up Legitimate?

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If Sanji didnt even block or put any force on Queen’s sword. If his body was stationary and Queen quite literally just broke his sword by hitting him. Then theres no denying his durability is top tier, and on par with Meme.

Quite literally this lol
You understand that Queen's swords are not named swords right? and from what he know, he didn't use hardening on it

That's not a "top tier" durability
Might do a thread after chapter drops to educate people that apparently can't read and spit a bunch of BS about Sora's wishes.

Right now, I'm just gonna enjoy this DELICIOUS chapter.
Its pretty simple, Sora was never against enhancements, she was against the "turn my children into emotionless killing machines" part. She never showed any sadness about Reiju's powers and I belive she didnt even complain when it happened, it was the following 3 that had this bullshit
If Sanji really didn’t block then this is a massive power up....

More durability in base means he takes less damage and does more damage while also being a speedster

This isn’t really the power up I wanted but I’ll take it if Oda explains it properly


Talent is something you make bloom.
What's so hard about it?

She wanted Sanji to have his emotions, and as far as we know he is keeping them despite having the powers, is that all? do you really need a thread for that?
With all the shitty takes we have here, apparently yes, yes we do.
But there will be a little bit more than that.
I will write it with much love :sweat:
Those parallels also follow Oda's tropes, which imo is more valid
It makes absolutely no sense for the WG and Momo to coexist as the shogun considering the latter is literally a user of Kaido's artificial DF needed by them and the fact that he is going to command Zunisha as their arch nemesis by the end of it all, especially with how much we have gone through for him to finally take that position.

All those prophecies carried on for 800 years and in Oden's flashback from Toki can only mean that Wano would finally be open and free in the truest sense, triggering the events that would lead us to the final saga. Nullifying all that setup just to fulfil some parallel quota is abhorrent.
Exoskeleton! Awesome!

CP0 incoming? I guess more reinforcements for Luffy's alliance will appear...

Could it be the SHGF thing?
Tbh, I think this is why Oda kept Brook, Jinbe, Nami/Usopp relatively healthy. They probably will be the ones to defend against Robin. Brook literally is not injured at all. Maybe a group does come to support them at the end, but I don't think anyone but the crew will defend Robin against CP-0. This is 100% set up from her comments on Zou:

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