Is Sanji's Power Up Legitimate?

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But Sanji had the choice not to wear the raidsuit the first time and he did same with the second time.

Shows SHs at the time they reached Zou was never most important for Sanji, you can actually play devils advocate and say he was just as selfish. The plot to WCI was terrible anyways, dont come, sanji trys to get them to leave, then begs crew to come back... whopty dooooo. If Zoro was in a similar situation would he have done that... definitely not. To play devils advocate if Zoro did what Sanji did in WCI I would hate Zoro's character and change favorite characters.
Zoro had the choice to not ask Mihawk to train him. You are just trying to wank Zoro to make him different from everyone else in the op world, i understand

You really need to reread WCI again.

And Sanji was right the whole time, they would be dead without Jinbei and his crew and also without Germa, Luffy and Sanji's personalities is what saved everybody because, despite both bringing trouble at some point, which is inevitable, they are pirates ffs
Really? I remember his sword broke when he attacked Niji and then got beat up by him when he himself didn't had a sword anymore. How is that being bad at swordsmanship? lol
How does that even make him good at swordmanship? Come on the purpose of this whole Backstory was to show him off as a loser and yea him not being able to use an sword adequately is part of the reason why he is being called a failure. A Failure is bad at everything, including swordsmanship. No amount of copium consumption will change that Mr. Hiragaro.
Which did I assume?
Sanji getting his bones crushed is in the spoiler

No it diesnr imply that. The context in which I used it is quite clear. I even explained it in my second post

No you are baselessly criticizing the post. There was no argument. I only answered a question from a user.
And more importantly, Queen was crushing Sanji's bones whiles King is trading blows with no haki Zoro.
King also knocked out RS Sanji.

This shows their difference is huge
Is literally a biased statement. Like I said, they weren't trading blows, King is tossing Zoro like he tossed Sanji. Queen is owning Sanji in his own way.

Their "difference" is negligible. Stop exaggerating
W8 Roger have Supreme Grade sword Ace and Whitebeard have supreme Grade Sword Murakomogiri

While zoro only have great grade sword Lol

And shanks sword gryphon aint no ordinary sword as well

Cmon candies use your brain
Yet, Kaido is scarred by Enma. Enma is better Sword than Roger and Whitebeards Swords due to its soeciality.
Zoro had the choice to not ask Mihawk to train him.

You really need to reread WCI again.

And Sanji was right the whole time, they would be dead without Jinbei and his crew and also without Germa, Luffy and Sanji's personalities is what saved everybody, despite bringing trouble at some point, which is inevitable, they are pirates ffs
Again red herring because everyone did the exact same thing even Sanji

Nah Im not rereading that terrible arc again. A waste of 2 years.
Rank is based on the quality of the blade, no? The grade would only go up due to the quality being better than it once was. Hence why they jump a rank

Black blades are stated to have crazy durability and Shusui boosted Zoro’s attack power greatly as stated by Zoro himself
Shisui absorbed the other slashes cause Zoro couldn't control it and ofcourse his attack power went up Shisui is higher rank sword than the one in enies lobby

Huh? Wado and Shisui are the same rank. Wado has more potential cause when it goes black it will be a 12 grade. So will Enma. Sandai is trash tho its two ranks below them
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