I said it in the Sanji fanbase, but I’ll say it hear as well. DJ isnt a flame PU, its a Passion PU. Sanji’s Passion takes different forms, depending on the intensity.
Pre Timeskip it was just heat
Post timeskip, after enduring hell and getting stronger it became flames
However when Sanji remembers a particularly bad memory and gets even more angry, it becomes a Star
Each lvl increases with heat, and possibiliy AP. And we know Sanji can use the same DJ attacks in both flame form and star form since he was about to use poele a feire in star form.
HM seems to be a trumpcard, however I see it as just a hint….for DJ’s final Hell form. Which would take the shape of a Fireball on Sanji’s leg. And the intensity of it will be the hottest thing ever. As dont forget Sanji said his heat will surpass flame.
With Sanji’s new augmented body, perhaps his leg can withstand the force and temperature of Hell form