Is Sanji's Power Up Legitimate?

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What foreshadowing did sanji have to get all of germas powers and none of his own ?
Wasn't the end of wci where judge slates sanji and luffy says why are you listing off his best quality's showing us that sanji won't be like germa but stand on his own two feet
Completely the opposite of what's happened now where he's had and used the rs and now is turning into a full on germa to the point he is actively crying about not doing so at the end of this chapter
As far as we know Diable Jambe has nothing to do with Germa, his haki has nothing to do with Germa, Skywalk has nothing to do with Germa, his kicking skills have nothing to do with Germa. He got all of those and became powerful up until this point (stronger than all of his siblings by a large margin) without Germans help whatsoever (to our knowledge)

The best qualities he listed had almost nothing to do with strength lol

“He isn’t fit to be a soldier” because of his personality not his power. If it was all about power then Judge would’ve accepted Sanji as soon as he bodied Yonji but that didn’t happen

He isn’t becoming a full on Germa because he still has his emotions and can disobey Judge
Man people still complaining? I don’t get these complaints:

1. He’s relying on daddy’s stuff
- No he’s not? Not once did he show any reliance or even desire to have these things. He kept the raid suit because he understood that it’s abilities could come in handy and save a life. Which it did. It saved Momos life and the entire war. He doesn’t even want the awakening of his lineage factor. I don’t see any “reliance” of this

2. Sanji will never get a haki upgrade
- This is just silly to even think. It’s like saying Luffy will never get devil fruit awakening or Zoro will never get a haki upgrade since Luffy got Coc boosts and Zoro got enma. Sanji fights with haki. He will have his haki bloom. Just like Zoro will get black blades and haki bloom just like Luffy will get Devil fruit awakening and haki blooms. They’re not one trick ponies.

3. Sanji didn’t earn this and did nothing for this
- This one is the dumbest take about this PU because Sanji did earn this. He earned it through his humanity and his kindness. Sanji saving his family and gaining their respect lead them to sneaking the Stealth Black suit. Sanji using the suit to rescue Momo despite his distaste for it triggered the change in his body. Just because he didn’t train to achieve it doesn’t mean it’s not earned. Trails that push a characters heart are just as viable as those who push a characters body.

4. Sanji was clearly outmatched in the new world before it
- Did people just forget Sanjis been fighting a 1.3 billion berry pirate in his base form. He fought him equally and they traded blows back in forth for a while. Queen has been getting downplayed for no reason. Dudes a serious threat the world government considers him about as damage as the likes of Marco the Phoenix and his power backs up the talk. Sanji wasn’t outmatched by the new world, but it’s dumb to think Sanji and even Zoro won’t receive power ups in their fights since they’re leaving Wano stronger than any other commander around.

If you hate the power up that’s on you. But to say it’s unearned or that it had no build up or that Sanjis overly reliant on it is just silly trolling.

now can we please move on to how cool queens moves are, what else Lucci may say about the reverie, or who else is coming to wano. The power up conversations gone on too long and there’s a lot of cool shit this chapter
Doesn't the second time there referred to use against King when he saved Momo?
No he only said he felt weird when he wore it for the second time, he didn't mention either King or Momo. It's clearly referring to the bathhouse scenen. I even remember Sanji awakening some weird purple aura back then, maybe it was some foreshawing from Oda to Sanji experiencing some hidden changes to his body from then on.


The Rogue Prince
Maybe Oda just wanted something more... surprising ?
Everything doesn't need to have crazy foreshadowing and intricate set up for it to be good writing. We had an entire arc gravitating around Germa technology and Sanji's genes.
Exactly what I'm saying, he butchered the writing in search for some variety. Sanji was told to be born a human and is now awakening his own exoskeleton.

Tbf this comes from someone who thinks that the writing in the Yonko saga has been a notch below what we got previously. It's just my opinion about Oda's writing. Never expected to get this many people riled up.
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