I didn't actually walk behind anyone then. Ratchet made a case on you and had unvoted you before I ever read his case on you. When I read it, I made a comment, which you jumped on, and that pinged me. You've been sarcastic this whole game and unable to defend yourself at all, and I don't think that's a good look for you. When I voted you to pressure you, there were no votes on you, so I wasn't following Ratchet.
With Lind, yeah I like Ekko's case and think he brings up good points, but I thought that Lind's game was somewhat weak before Ekko's case. I especially didn't like how he added me to the town core when I was just messing around and posting Ramsay gifs for fun. I think Lind's subsequent reaction to Ekko wasn't great, and he hasn't been around at all since then, so I haven't really been given a chance to see anything better from him. My vote on him also came when no one was voting him. With the game state how it is, I'm not thrilled with the VC and I want to try and to something to shake things up. For me, Lind has been my highest suss, and with how others have talked about him this game, it's kind of surprising to see he had no votes on him when I did my VC.