There might be some legitimacy to that, at least regarding Onigashima. I remember seeing a pattern come up recently on here about every 10 or 20 chapters a certain something happens? I think 1031 is the next one, like 1011, 1021 etc? Is it that by any chance?
But also, I was gonna mention on here, I think we have 5 or 6 chapters left this year at most? I think its chapter 1029 next? We have less than 5 minutes in the story for Onigashima to fall, I think Zoro's medicine will wear off at the same time too? Would be fitting narrative wise if it does and for that parallel, Zoro will be helpless from the medicine wearing off and increased/double pain intake/buildup to try and stop Onigashima falling somehow too?
I fear with Yamato going to try to deal with the gunpowder and explosives, she might fall foul of the explosives going off if she doesn't get away before Onigashima falls and that triggers them and or with all the fires caused by Orochi, Maria, King, Big Mom and so on, the fire might spread to the gunpower and explosives too? But since Yamato has ice powers and can create an ice mirror shield armour thing, maybe she can freeze the explosives and gunpowder and save herself at the same time or and her armour can at least protect herself enough hopefully?
I doubt Oda would kill her off but he does love to get us when our guards are down the most ofc! I still believe the real Act 3 tragedy is coming, we have had tragedies in the act along the way ofc but there's gonan be a grand finale of them, a tragedy of all tragedies, one to outclass them all and it's gonna involve Onigashima falling and maybe Wano being taken over by the WG?
Knowing Oda though, Yamato will probably be fine regardless of what happens, Onigashima may even never fall, Momo might end up holding it up for an hour to mimick his fathers final moments in his own way, CP0 will get their asses kicked somehow and fail to take over Wano and will have to retreat and or they will be busy with the Big Mom pirates that Oda completely forgot about apparently.
Theres's also Drake being forgotten all this time along with Apoo and the former being involved with Sword. I still believe the Marines will end up showing up to Wano somehow too, most likely Sword especially. I really don't know whether to expect Vegapunk yet or not anymore, so tired of being teased about it by Oda now.
Wano is meant to have a surprising ending according to his editors and we're meant to be closer to finding out what the OP is and such but we'll see, I'm skeptical.
Anyways, that's my overthinking done and also essay for the day LOL!
