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When were you under the impression this game is..
I got RPSEd and Lost and My PR passive GOT DESTROYED :funky::funky::funky::funky::funky::funky:
Given that losing means you get your passive destroyed id say this is a scummy ability, but then again I can give people PRs so what do I know.


Midnight is a Giga Chad.
I got RPSEd and Lost and My PR passive GOT DESTROYED :funky::funky::funky::funky::funky::funky:
Given that losing means you get your passive destroyed id say this is a scummy ability, but then again I can give people PRs so what do I know.


Midnight is a Giga Chad.
X for doubt :catsure:

Imagine Scums finally managing a win against me, when i got no passive:milaugh::milaugh:


The Rogue Prince
ich wurde mit einer postbeschränkung konfrontiert, die besagt, dass ich in deutsch, mandarin, latein, hebräisch und hindi schreiben muss. und ich soll zwischen ihnen wechseln. jetzt mit google übersetzen lmao


When were you under the impression this game is..
So scum knows you have PR debuff which is passive abd they go to destroy it and just so happens they destrot right one?
Thats the only passive i got soooo?

Midnight is a Giga Chad.

Though as I said It could be a townie ability and they targeted me specifically so i can lose that passive.


When were you under the impression this game is..
So why would scum waste his ability om you knowing they can just destrot your PR??
? I dont know how that shit works? Maybe it can only destroy passives? And I said it could be town too.

Can you read.

Midnight, teach me how to be a Giga Chad like you.
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