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You know, given Sanjis issues with his father, the anger/emotion issues and he's getting strength/powerups that he resents and will turn him into a monster which he doesn't want to become, I'm getting some serious Bruce Banner and Hulk vibes lol. Jekyll and Hyde even which inspired Hulk too ofc.
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I wonder if he has anything he created specifically to spite Judge? Imagine he infects Sanji with something that doesn't affect him somehow but when Sanji meets Judge again, it triggers and attacks Judge instead? LOL

I think at this point we can conclude he made some deal with the devil over this theory staking his own life he can't back out:josad:

Gorosei Informer

Oh WOW LOL! Even better!

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One dog keeps wandering off and getting lost but also trying to be the greatest swordsdog/bonesdog ever, another is obsessed with meat and overly hyperactive/impulsive and the 3rd one just keeps trying to hump her leg and lick her face....



Talent is something you make bloom.
This guy i never heard of before made a solid theory , i don't even know how a guy making a video like this can walk around without being crushed by the weight of his skull, too much iq points
So...ASSUMING that Lucci DOES have a Raid Suit and will be the "reverse Sora, warrior of the sea", like Sanji's Soba Mask is the "reverse Stealth Black, member of the evil army", and that's a BOLD assumption, ngl....having Sanji fight Lucci on the context, while Law, Hawkins and Drake watch hella confused, would be funny as hell. :ihaha:
Why stop at 4? He got 6 powerups, 12 powerups. 75 powerups.

Literally all he did was improving his attacking Haki. That was 2 powerups, and it was basically the same powerup.
1- CoA Flow Barrier.
2- CoA Flow Internal.
3- CoC Flow Black Lightning.
4- A potential new form for G4 or a new Gear.
"They're not multiple PUs bro, he's just inproving his attacking Haki." :tchpepe:
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