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Talent is something you make bloom.
Oda clearly forgot to put many efforts to Zoro and Sanji dreams, but instead he spamming Luffy said "i will be the pirate king" over 10000 times
He brings a point that I found really interesting about the Pirate Alliance with Law.
When Law asks him about the alliance, Luffy says he ALREADY plans on defeating ALL of the Yonkos. So far he had interactions with Shanks, who he is grateful towards, BB, who's a dick, BM, who he bought a fight with, and WB, who was a nice old man that Ace liked.
Imagine if WB was alive and still a Yonko. Would Luffy actually be planning on beating WB, creating massive chaos on his territories, and leaving the populations of these places at the mercy of the other Yonkos? Makes Luffy sounds more like a spoiled dick that gives 0 fucks if people are gonna die for him to achieve his dream.
That's a no no.
He also had ZERO interactions with Kaido. He has NO IDEA who Kaido is, or what he does. If he's a cool guy, a dick, etc. But Luffy already had in mind that he would march into this guy's territory and beat him to a pulp, in order to achieve his dream.
Again, that's a no no.
Luffy was never the kind of "agressor". Luffy was always provoked. Alvida attacked him, Buggy destroyed the Dog's shop, Kuro was gonna attack the village that Usopp wanted to protect, Krieg was gonna destroy Sanji and Zeff's treasure. the Baratie, Arlong made Nami's life hell, etc.
Luffy never went somewhere and said "ok, new island. Is there someone here that I can beat the living shit out of?"
Suddenly Luffy is proclaiming to Law that he was ALREADY planning of BEATING all of the Yonkos.
I think my favorite comment from Drizzt is that the issue of their dreams not being that fleshed out is fine in the pre-time skip since there's a ton of story left. This isn't the case in the post time skip, this is when their dreams should be related to the conflicts

It actually pissed me off hearing it, because i know it's true, but i just never stopped to think about that stuff

Why is that those dreams / promises made to us viewers in the start of this story are not being explored at all? I think we could've been so much more invested in the New World arcs if we got a little bit of development for everyone's dream

It's gonna come to the end of the series and all dreams are gonna get resolved really fast and bundled up, they are not gonna feel earned / developed, just rushed


Oh btw. I find it funny how you completely ignored your own first argument just now.
You said Enma is a nerf because Zoro gets more tired of it - even tho he gets more AP for that.
It's not different from Luffy using G4 - gets tired fast but gets more power.

Then you completely throw this argument out of the window and start talking about that it's different because one is a transformation and the other is a sword lol
What fucking does that matter? They use different things to fight and as PU's, but if you say Enma is a nerf because of Zoro getting tired faster, then you also have to agree that G4 is also a nerf, since Luffy gets tired faster aswell.
Zoro also gets only more tired if he uses Enma's abilities to use more Haki, which he doesn't have to do all the time. As shown in the Kaidou fight, where Zoro said he needs to use more of Enma's Power. If he needs it, he is gonna trade in getting tired faster for more AP. Same thing Luffy does with G4.
The double standard in this one is crazy...
That makes no sense luffy needs to go super saiyan to increase his power while zoro doesnt enma is zoros base form thats likr saying sanjis exoskeleton will be a power up for his fight in elbaf
Sure man, let's assume that.

Does it still matter? wouldn't Sanji's character be more rich if Oda explored him going after his dream? that's the main thing that made him leave the Baratie after all, that's his childhood dream, and yet we get 0 panels for it in 24+ years?

and i'm not hating on just Sanji here, i'm a Zoro fanboy and i completely agree that Oda has messed in developing his dream too

it's not a Sanji focused thing, i was talking about Sanji because was Bango asking

every Straw Hat dreams seem to be just completely dropped and wasted in the background

those are the driving forces of those characters

don't we deserve seeing more of that in 20+ years of story?

is it really more important focusing on side characters in every island than the characters we've all followed since the East Blue?

I think all the SH's should be explored more in terms of their relationship with their dreams, and expanded upon to the point where we have a clear picture of why some of them are meant to be brought up more often, or others are meant to be less on the forefront, but we understand how all the characters feel about them and why that's the case.

It's definitely not ideal that we have to make a lot of assumptions one way or another.


Talent is something you make bloom.
What is your opinion about why Mihawk as WSS never mentioned in Wano which is a land of Samurai.
He just never went there, apparently. Which is surprisingly stupid, considering that Mihawk is a master of the way of the blade.
Him having no interest in visiting Wano, when he retired and got bored because there was no one else to fight him....why?
Why didn't he go looking for someone on the land that was supposedly the land of the strongest sword users ever?
If Moria can get to Wano and steal both Ryuma's body and Shuusui, I guess it's a safe bet that Mihawk could get there as well.
What is your opinion about why Mihawk as WSS never mentioned in Wano which is a land of Samurai.
Complete trash, and i wished it was just a Wano thing right?

but the WSS title seems to have very little meaning even outside of Wano, the rest of the World gives 0 fucks about it

there's no one going for it, just Zoro, Kuina and Mihawk

there's no ranking for us to know who are the second / third and so on strongest swordsmen

there's nothing about if the title belonged to someone before Mihawk

it breaks the power scaling in the world when Oda says Mihawk is the WSS and then he gives Yonkos and legends like Roger swords, because there's no such thing as "true swordsman" "pure swordsman" in the story, just Oda deciding at a whim who is and who isn't, that King line for example just made things more confusing, it basically said that a Swordsman is someone that considers himself a swordsman, that's it

and the blades system is so broken, it seems to not matter at all

a supreme blade + strongest black blade can't destroy Wado

then we find out about Enma, this blade that is the same grade as Shusui (but this one is a black blade), yet Enma seems like the most broken thing ever, that most of the community think that if people like Ryuma or Mihawk had it, they would be even stronger, how the fuck does that make sense?

and if a Black Blade is so powerful and important, why is nobody searching to achieve one? even the samurai in Wano talking about it, only Ryuma did it? and there's no Samurai trying to do that?

Roger? Shanks? WTF IS GOING ON ODA?





Talent is something you make bloom.
Luffy: I want to be the Pirate King, because I think the Pirate King is the person with the most freedom in the entire world.

Also Luffy: sails to wherever he wants, does whatever he wants. Never really was "trapped" like Nami, Sanji, Brook, etc, but has some other mysterious motive, that, for some AMAZING reason, Oda decides that the readers don't need to know about now.

Imagine that. Knowing the MC's reasons for going on an adventure and trying to relate with him...
Nah fam.
Not in One Piece.


Pepebusi Spammer
He just never went there, apparently. Which is surprisingly stupid, considering that Mihawk is a master of the way of the blade.
Him having no interest in visiting Wano, when he retired and got bored because there was no one else to fight him....why?
Why didn't he go looking for someone on the land that was supposedly the land of the strongest sword users ever?
If Moria can get to Wano and steal both Ryuma's body and Shuusui, I guess it's a safe bet that Mihawk could get there as well.
Oda should show us young Mihawk visited Wano back then.
But again, its already more than 100+ chapters in Wano. :hapnoel:
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