[Passive - Unyielding Kindness] — Orihime is known as being a very kind individual, so much so that she'll revive her enemies if given the chance. This player cannot insult other players and must refer to each other player with proper honorifics of; Chan, Kun or Sama. Failure to do so three times per phase will result in being rolecrushed for the cycle.
[Active - Santen Kesshun] — Using her unique fullbringer, Orihime can make a sturdy barrier to defend herself or others. During the night phase, target any player and roleblock them along as negating any actions targeting them.
-----[Active - Self Shielding] — Alternatively, instead of using Santen Kesshun on another player, target yourself. You will be vote silenced for the next phase.
[Active - Sōten Kisshun] — Capable of rejecting any event Orihime finds unpleasant, this technique is mostly used to revert battle damage. Target a player during the night phase and cure them of any diseases. [One
Wincon — Defeat all threats to town