General & Others Post TS arcs are massively underrated + Oda is on a level with the all time fantasy greats.

Trolling is the only way you weekly complainers who like to whine like bit**es every chapter can cope your way out. Cope hard.

Colme down dude, I just posted it here for fun and nothing more. I posted the same shit in another thread, I wasn't spiceficly targeting this thread, and if I wanted to counter your arguments then I wouldn't have done it with a SIMPLE MEME. To be honest I haven't even read your thread, I expressed my criticism of post-timskip way before you even came to this forum, I've had so many debates with people about this and I don't fill the need to confront everyone who enjoys one piece, If you enjoy it then I'm happy for you, there are WAY MORE one piece fans than critics so it's not a fight that I can win, nor do I want to, and I'm ok with people enjoying one piece.

Most people who debate me about this matter are the ones who simply want to defend one piece because they feel threatened by this flux if criticism that grows every day, that "defensive mechanism" that you're talking about is exactly the reason that brought you here, you feel obligated to defend one piece, I understand that. Please don't mistake me with one piece haters who haven't even read it and come here just to trash on one piece, unlike them I've read one piece and I was a huge one piece fan in pre-timskip, I do not criticize post-timskip because of hatred, that's simply not true and old Orojackson members know that, hell, even my early posts in this forum are praising one piece and not the other way around. My criticism comes from place of love and nostalgia that I feel about pre-timskip, I express my issues with post-timskip because I want it to be good, as good as pre-timskip was. So don't be so butthurt and stop insulting me, ok.

Nonsensical. :lusalty:

The second half of SG wouldn't exist without the first half. They can't be seen as a separate story. :kata:

How the hell did anybody watch SG and could say something like this? If you talk like this about the Steins;Gate movie, I have no complaints. But if you watch the original series and come to this conclusion, I can only reply with, "What do you even mean? What were you watching?" :kaidowhat:

Cap. FMAB is seinen, and Edward is more than decent. Edward is great, and, unlike Luffy, it's because there are prices he had to pay for his mistakes. :brootea:



That's because Bradley wasn't made to be a simp for a dead guy (like Kaido), a petulant but overgrown child (like Big Mom), had on-panel feats (unlike Offscreen Piece), wasn't lolnoped after years of build-up (like Jack), and actually killed some named characters on-panel (unlike take your One Piece pick). :datas:

Huh? How is this even a criticism toward FMA again? :goatasure:

So what if Bradley is a better villain than Father? There are many secondary villains more memorable than the main villains in fiction. Why is this even an issue with you? :wonderland:

Also, that doesn't mean stopping Father was easy. It still took the combined forces of all the remaining characters in FMA to put him down. :willsmith:

Out of curiosity, what is your number 1? :sanmoji:
I am aware that the second half of SG wont exist without the first . Its more that even though the first half was supposed to be build up part , it was way too bland & dry . The entire show threw away its sci fi mystery potential to devolve into a typical romance story coupled with stereotypical science jokes that weren't clicking in the first place anyways.

My personal favourite anime is Cowboy Bepop.
FMAB is a good anime but absolutely not flawless & #1 as other people insist ; I'll get into more detail into my criticism of FMAB :-

1) Older brother is self conscious about being so small compared to his younger brother & he wants everyone to recognize the hero he is. That "comedy bit" is repeated several times obnoxiously repeatedly misfiring from the very start. It wasnt even funny the first time itself in addition to resulting in complete immersion breaking. Over the top grandiose reaction from characters that goes on way too long & is completely out of sync with the otherwise tone of their character or that of the story. Forced comedy bit insertion & failing since the start & then on repeatedly.

Serious shows & can do comedy well but FMAB certainly did not.

2) Pacing of the story was jarring . Some episodes will go into filler territory ; some will stay close to the storyline & some will be a mix of both . Overall several things in the story felt like a filler.

3) An excellent story will always make me feel to reread/rewatch it. FMAB didnt hit that bar for me. I can reread several One Piece arcs with sheer delight.

4) Law's (a side character) buildup & backstory & everything done around him by Oda is easily miles ahead of most of the build up that went around most of the main characters of FMAB.

5) And again the final villans of FMAB were disappointing. The only villan who felt intimidating & enjoyable was king bradley. Most others didnt come even close even though they should have been better than bradley since they were EOS villans. But they did not.

6)Shonen protagonist Luffy has far more character arc, theme work & depth to him than Edward elric. This will be a long essay in itself which would be too long to go into right now & till then you can laugh at that as much as you want to.
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Colme down dude, I just posted it here for fun and nothing more. I posted the same shit in another thread, I wasn't spiceficly targeting this thread, and if I wanted to counter your arguments then I wouldn't have done it with a SIMPLE MEME. To be honest I haven't even read your thread, I expressed my criticism of post-timskip way before you even came to this forum, I've had so many debates with people about this and I don't fill the need to confront everyone who enjoys one piece, If you enjoy it then I'm happy for you, there are WAY MORE one piece fans than critics so it's not a fight that I can win, nor do I want to, and I'm ok with people enjoying one piece.

Most people who debate me about this matter are the ones who simply want to defend one piece because they feel threatened by this flux if criticism that grows every day, that "defensive mechanism" that you're talking about is exactly the reason that brought you here, you feel obligated to defend one piece, I understand that. Please don't mistake me with one piece haters who haven't even read it and come here just to trash on one piece, unlike them I've read one piece and I was a huge one piece fan in pre-timskip, I do not criticize post-timskip because of hatred, that's simply not true and old Orojackson members know that, hell, even my early posts in this forum are praising one piece and not the other way around. My criticism comes from place of love and nostalgia that I feel about pre-timskip, I express my issues with post-timskip because I want it to be good, as good as pre-timskip was. So don't be so butthurt and stop insulting me, ok.
Appreciate your honesty about not having read my thread in the first place . My bad i mistook you for yet another OP basher troll on this forum who is hell bent on hating or shallow reviewing but at the end of the day posting memes & trolling is not in anyways contributive to any discussion of substance.

If you can add points of substance then i can respectfully disagree with you at worst or agree with you on some points at best but lots of ppl actually use trolling & memeing when they dont have anything of substance to say . Appearently you are not one of them so good for you.
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Only AdmiraL Wankers and Swordbois hate Post TS. It's their agenda to save face because their favourite characters are being overshadowed
Not sure about any particular fandoms but indeed people wanting their headcanon regarding their fav character to come true instead of the route the author chooses certainly does add in to this hate the entire story agenda just because your fav characters didnt behave like you wanted them to.
That's because his stamina was being depleted by perpetual fight and Queen helped too. You are clearly displaying your ignorance on how Marco's powers work.
His stamina was depleted In Marineford too. Y all the fighting, taking damage from Kizaru and Seastone. Yet Akainu could not even scratch him. Garp and King made fresh Marco take damage. Bakazuki couldn't.
FMA shits on every aspect on OP

Imagine your Villain screams half of a Arc "Cake,Cake,Cake".
No one died in FMAB
Villains there are much better, but the only death of one named character ruined meaning of death there. Yes you can say that Father of Elrics died too...but like he wasn't Mustang, for example. His death was not big at all. He lived hundreds years so..
I could say Gurren Laggan shits on both FMAB and One Piece, and it will true. Like it or not.
But what I do admit, that discover whole secrets of what happening in FMAB was great thing. Playing detective there was really something. But no death? Revived people from death? Ahh...that kinda ruined climax of those series.
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No one died in FMAB
Villains there are much better, but the only death of one named character ruined meaning of death there. Yes you can say that Father of of Elrics died too...but like he wasn't Mustang, for example. His death was not big at all. He lived hundreds years so..
I could say Gurren Laggan shits on both FMAB and One Piece, and it will true. Like it or not.
No one died in FMAB? What the fuck? :kaidowhat: