Ehm villains not counted, case they are articifial human beings, homuncules. Death there happened only in first 10-12 episodes, while after loli introduced - anime became lame. And yet ofc in the end died ninja grandpa...but that is just another side character, even Edward sensei survived.
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And yet best scene in FMAB was ruined by fact that every one survived there...while yes father of Edward was the one who saved everyone...but then all this scene was downlayed hardly. I know kids love this anime...but kinda this is not Evangelion to be called Masterpiece.
Ehm villains not counted, case they are articifial human beings, homuncules. Death there happened only in first 10-12 episodes, while after loli introduced - anime became lame. And yet ofc in the end died ninja grandpa...but that is just another side character, even Edward sensei survived.
I am aware that the second half of SG wont exist without the first . Its more that even though the first half was supposed to be build up part , it was way too bland & dry . The entire show threw away its sci fi mystery potential to devolve into a typical romance story coupled with stereotypical science jokes that weren't clicking in the first place anyways.
FMAB is a good anime but absolutely not flawless & #1 as other people insist ; I'll get into more detail into my criticism of FMAB :-
1) Older brother is self conscious about being so small compared to his younger brother & he wants everyone to recognize the hero he is. That "comedy bit" is repeated several times obnoxiously repeatedly misfiring from the very start. It wasnt even funny the first time itself in addition to resulting in complete immersion breaking. Over the top grandiose reaction from characters that goes on way too long & is completely out of sync with the otherwise tone of their character or that of the story. Forced comedy bit insertion & failing since the start & then on repeatedly.
Serious shows & can do comedy well but FMAB certainly did not.
2) Pacing of the story was jarring . Some episodes will go into filler territory ; some will stay close to the storyline & some will be a mix of both . Overall several things in the story felt like a filler.
3) An excellent story will always make me feel to reread/rewatch it. FMAB didnt hit that bar for me. I can reread several One Piece arcs with sheer delight.
Well, I obviously hard disagree with your point about FMAB. Of course, OP arcs have reread value for me, too, but only pre-TS arcs since Oda half-assed post-TS gleefully.
4) Law's (a side character) buildup & backstory & everything done around him by Oda is easily miles ahead of most of the build up that went around most of the main characters of FMAB.
Whoa, hold it, I'm not gonna deny Law's backstory was well-written, but it does not top the Elrics' backstory, and it definitely does not top the Ishvalan War, which is a backstory to many characters in FMAB.
5) And again the final villans of FMAB were disappointing. The only villan who felt intimidating & enjoyable was king bradley. Most others didnt come even close even though they should have been better than bradley since they were EOS villans. But they did not.
6)Shonen protagonist Luffy has far more character arc, theme work & depth to him than Edward elric. This will be a long essay in itself which would be too long to go into right now & till then you can laugh at that as much as you want to.
i finally found someone who agrees. as many manga fma becomes a lot worse than it used to be after a certain point and the first anime was lucky to leave the manga soon before it reached that point so it got the best portions of the manga and was safe from its worst. fma manga is like claymore, it begins very brave and creative and then all vanish and the writer begins running in circles too afraid to make anything and you start thinking where all that good stuff went.
Let me explane...
You see in any story that read death of villains is most reasonable and most expected death that could happened. But ofc death of villains is obviosly in some terms better choice, then no death of villains that should be dead. Like even redemption of villain is good only if that happened once if we talk about one person, not whole group. Again redemption of group of people could accepted in some terms, but then again this group should be unique. So this is why desicion to keep villains alive is bad, case if every one will have own redemption it would not have sence, and break the point where events are taken serious. Nice example for that could be Reborn anime, where whole group of Xanxus became ally of main party and was fighting against Marley family, which has sence there, case Xanxus was part of Vangolla family.
But villain death is still something that you expect to happen, for example: redeemed villain Konan in Naruto died in series. Why that was expectable? Because author couldn't leave her alive. It would take some big reason to play out her future in that condition, where she would be called as enemy. Again there is good conterpart for dealing with enemys, like in Inuyasha, where sworn enemy of Inuyasha, that kill innocent people, that few times was close to kill Inuyasha, daim-yokai Sesshomaru was redeemed, and that happened case mangaka give him his own route in series, without help from Inuyasha. Even more, with different view on things already Seshomaru challenged Inuyasha in battle to death(if Inuyasha lose to him). All other villains in those series died. That is good example where villain redemption is much better than this villain death. In FMAB it was Scar...but to be honest he was antagonist, or antihero, not a villain.
But in series like Bleach, villain Aizen who survived, didn't have sence, case author keeped him alive, not because he planned big future for him, but because he didn't want to say good bye to that villain and that is worst reason to keep villain alive. Same goes with Reborn manga, One Piece, Fairy Tail etc.
So again killing villain is much better choice than keeping villain alive without real reason, without making that reason truly important and good for series overall.
Now, I agree that FMAB has good side, I mean I'm not calling it Masterpiece, but it is for sure Great Manga and Anime.
I mean what I loved in FMAB the most was fact that our heroes was fighting against some crazy masterplan, with enemies that could be called as immortal beings. That put whole line on different lvl. So our heroes was need not just fight and defeate their enemies, case that wasn't even option for them. The only option to win was discovering information about that Mastermind, and Immortal Enemies. Knowledge became something that could be called most important. So this manga and anime bought me with whole this detective sciencefiction stuff. And that was best part of FMAB. And when we saw death of Hugles. that gives us goosebumps case we feeled that story is more complicated that we could expect, and everyone there could be guilty. We didn't know who was telling true and who was lying.
But after that nothing like that happened again, instead things became more from surviving story we came to some adventure story. Tension from the begining dissapeared. Does that mean that story was bad, or became bad? Not really, it was still great. Story was well written...well, maybe except last "sacrifice" thing, where Father gathered everyone who opened Gates and he used Mustang even if he didn't open gates(I believe author planned Liza death, which could made Mustang to revive her but then author changed decision). Everything else has sence...well maybe except chimeras who was listening Edward...or fact how whole millitary army betrayed Fuhrer. But that's it(no more criticism here). But as I said without that previos tension that made story so special, it lose it's uniqueness. And became much more shonenish that it should be. That is my opinion. It is great...but there are better stories.
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Now talking about main question, could One Piece beat FMAB? Before WCI arc I would be able to say, yes there are huge chances, that in the end One Piece story would be able to do that.
After WCI I would say- it's hard, but I believe that it is still possible.
For now I would say, there is zero chances for One Piece beat FMAB, case story right became a Joke, last island is Laugh tale. SO I can't expect any serious dramatic stuff to happen in the end.
Let me explane...
You see in any story that read death of villains is most reasonable and most expected death that could happened. But ofc death of villains is obviosly in some terms better choice, then no death of villains that should be dead. Like even redemption of villain is good only if that happened once if we talk about one person, not whole group. Again redemption of group of people could accepted in some terms, but then again this group should be unique. So this is why desicion to keep villains alive is bad, case if every one will have own redemption it would not have sence, and break the point where events are taken serious. Nice example for that could be Reborn anime, where whole group of Xanxus became ally of main party and was fighting against Marley family, which has sence there, case Xanxus was part of Vangolla family.
But villain death is still something that you expect to happen, for example: redeemed villain Konan in Naruto died in series. Why that was expectable? Because author couldn't leave her alive. It would take some big reason to play out her future in that condition, where she would be called as enemy. Again there is good conterpart for dealing with enemys, like in Inuyasha, where sworn enemy of Inuyasha, that kill innocent people, that few times was close to kill Inuyasha, daim-yokai Sesshomaru was redeemed, and that happened case mangaka give him his own route in series, without help from Inuyasha. Even more, with different view on things already Seshomaru challenged Inuyasha in battle to death(if Inuyasha lose to him). All other villains in those series died. That is good example where villain redemption is much better than this villain death. In FMAB it was Scar...but to be honest he was antagonist, or antihero, not a villain.
But in series like Bleach, villain Aizen who didn't have less sence, case author keeped him alive, not because he planned big future for him, but because he didn't want to say good bye to that villain and that is worst reason to keep villain alive. Same goes with Reborn manga, One Piece, Fairy Tail etc.
So again killing villain is much better choice than keeping villain alive without real reason, without making that reason truly important and good for series overall.
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Now, I agree that FMAB has good side, I mean I'm not calling it Masterpiece, but it is for sure Great Manga and Anime.
I mean what I loved in FMAB the most was fact that our heroes was fighting against some crazy masterplan, with enemies that could be called as immortal beings. That put whole line on different lvl. So our heroes was need not just fight and defeate their enemies, case that wasn't even option for them. The only option to win was discovering information about that Mastermind, and Immortal Enemies. Knowledge became something that could be called most important. So this manga and anime bought me with whole this detective sciencefiction stuff. And that was best part of FMAB. And when we saw death of Hugles. that gives us goosebumps case we feeled that story is more complicated that we could expect, and everyone there could be guilty. We didn't know who was telling true and who was lying.
But after that nothing like that happened again, instead things became more from surviving story we came to some adventure story. Tension from the begining dissapeared. Does that mean that story was bad, or became bad? Not really, it was still great. Story was well written...well, maybe except last "sacrifice" thing, where Father gathered everyone who opened Gates and he used Mustang even if he didn't open gates(I believe author planned Liza death, which could made Mustang to revive her but then author changed decision). Everything else has sence...well maybe except chimeras who was listening Edward...or fact how whole millitary army betrayed Fuhrer. But that's it(no more criticism here). But as I said without that previos tension that made story so special, it lose it's uniqueness. And became much more shonenish that it should be. That is my opinion. It is great...but there are better stories.
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Now talking about main question, could One Piece beat FMAB? Before WCI arc I would be able to say, yes there are huge chances, that in the end One Piece story would be able to do that.
After WCI I would say- it's hard, but I believe that it is still possible.
For now I would say, there is zero chances for One Piece beat FMAB, case story right became a Joke, last island is Laugh tale. SO I can't expect any serious dramatic stuff to happen in the end.
This is a fair opinion, although I think FMAB were never really not tense (especially from the point we met Ling). Regardless, thanks for the explanation.
This is a fair opinion, although I think FMAB were never really not tense (especially from the point we met Ling). Regardless, thanks for the explanation.
Thanks :D
By the way this is what I was talking about, when mention chinese loli. In a moment when that character was introduced important part of story died.
Thanks :D
By the way this is what I was talking about, when mention chinese loli. In a moment when that character was introduced important part of story died.
Lol sorry to disappoint yall but FMA did not live up to the hype. Everything up to the ending was good but the ending was your typical manga ending i.e. just a cluster fuck of nonsense. Authors always struggle with the ending and I just don't understand why. Only good ending manga I read was probably Parasyte the Maxim.
I don't mind the story, because the fights were good up to Laxus's betrayal. Then Mashima decided to nakama-punch his way out of every villain, which annoyed the hell out of me.
And then the tournament introduced a shit ton of cop outs, so I decided to call it quits then and there.
Saitama is the sole main character. If you wanna get into side characters Garou’s writing shits on anything Oda has done for Law the cheerleader.
In what way would world building benefit OPM ? These comparisons are stupid. I’m against senseless OPM dickriding, it’s just an enjoyable action manga but your intention to put OP on a higher pedestal than it really is just as stupid…
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