Imo, I don't see BM going down before the YCs. Yes, I know the trio usually finish fights back to back, but BM is a special case and should be effectively around until the absolute end. Law and Kid, while not main characters like Zoro and Sanji, are essentially Luffy's contemporary rivals and also his greatest allies. They deserve the 2nd to last big exposition I feel like, which isn't to say Sanjis or Zoro's will be any lesser, just before this.
Imo, I don't see BM going down before the YCs. Yes, I know the trio usually finish fights back to back, but BM is a special case and should be effectively around until the absolute end. Law and Kid, whole not main characters like Zoro and Sanji, are essentially Luffy's contemporary rivals and also his greatest allies. They deserve the 2nd to last big exposition I feel like, which isn't to say Sanjis or Zoro's will be any lesser, just before this.
It's not even rule Vergo was defeated before Luffy defeated Ceasar but after Zoro defeated Monet
Imo, I don't see BM going down before the YCs. Yes, I know the trio usually finish fights back to back, but BM is a special case and should be effectively around until the absolute end. Law and Kid, while not main characters like Zoro and Sanji, are essentially Luffy's contemporary rivals and also his greatest allies. They deserve the 2nd to last big exposition I feel like, which isn't to say Sanjis or Zoro's will be any lesser, just before this.
Big mom's coc couldn't knock out tama:josad: she is irrelevant


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
Imo, I don't see BM going down before the YCs. Yes, I know the trio usually finish fights back to back, but BM is a special case and should be effectively around until the absolute end. Law and Kid, while not main characters like Zoro and Sanji, are essentially Luffy's contemporary rivals and also his greatest allies. They deserve the 2nd to last big exposition I feel like, which isn't to say Sanjis or Zoro's will be any lesser, just before this.
Bb is luffy rival. And one piece is about mugis
The end luffy, bb, zoro and shyriu will be strongest piratse in the history
It's not even rule Vergo was defeated before Luffy defeated Ceasar but after Zoro defeated Monet
Yup, it's mainly just about relevance and at this point it makes more sense imo that BM goes down right before Kaido does. I wouldn't be surprised if we see alot of back and forth. This is probably yet another skirmish chapter for Kid/Law like we had for Zoro and Sanji. The real fight chapters won't occur until other events occur first.