That would be even better!
>King getting called a bird and being able to use fire
> Sanji and the "mythical fire bird leak"
> A literal firey bird with Marco there too

The fact Oda won't explain Sanji being able to use fire until this point is very suspicious. Also bringing up Lunarians and implying King is one and can use fire due to to that. Oda is definitely setting up something major here. King's face was almost revealed by Zoro too.
Oda has made jokes about Sanji and his family being like Devil Fruits, their eyebrows being important, Sanji being an alien and doing art of him being a UFO and star gazing, it's all gonna add up somehow.
We barely know anything about Sora and Judge's speech to Big Mom opened up a whole new major mystery too.
I get the feeling King is the last of his race and his race might have been enslaved and even used in experiments to create devil fruits maybe. Maybe the Mera Mera was based on them too, hence why it's been so massively prevalent in the story until now?
I have a feeling this will be important too:
Sanji had similar moments at Jaya and such which foreshadowed his actual homeland, family and origins in general^.

Check this theory too, it's from 5 years ago and look at what they predicted!:
I believe this theory happened just before the Vinsmokes were fully revealed at WCI too! WCI started sometime in 2016!