What move did Sanji use to beat the prostitute up?

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Kid and Law don't do anything new while Big Mom powers herself and her homies up and from this you think BM defeating them is less likely? How? Lol
Do you like, fail to read the spoilers? Law and Kid still have stamina. Kid isn't saying anything, which heavily implicates Kid has more to give.

So Kaido can power himself up repeatedly and so can Luffy, but once BM does it and Oda cuts away, that's it for Law and Kid?

You are heavily biased and can't even see that lol
He could ask the crew to gang up on him

He doesn't know anyone else's situation

Also he asked zoro who is busy with king, what's your point ?

He showed that for him zoro>the rest
Yeah, he probably thinks that Law it sleeping in his ship. And ask the crew to gang him? What are they going to do? Talk no Jutsu him?

He showed us that he believes that Zoro is capable of beating King and then beating his ass. Not a good moment like y'all say.
You're the one to talk when you were assuming the Tobi Roppo were gonna awaken and continue fighting. So the fight doesn't end this chapter so? Did Law and Kid do any attacks this chapter? Will they overcome BM's onslaught?

If they don't win, then it's a L for you. One small L is insignificant in the wider scheme of things if Kid and Law don't win like you think they will and vice versa.
Paper was always open to the option of them being already defeated as well, you on the other hand never seemed to acknowledge the possible option of their fight to continue after last chapter, it was either BM loses or wins.
Which makes you sound like only your opinion could be right which is just not healthy on a discussion.
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