What move did Sanji use to beat the prostitute up?

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you have to raise your IQ 30 points just to qualify as a fucking retard

your point : supreme blade user must be a master in using his weapon.
so roger is but whitebeard isnt ?
why ? bc he deosnt jave a "sword" he cant master his blade ? 1000logic
your father should've jerked you off in the toilet or your mother should've swallowed you that day


i know that....stop contradicting yourself idiot
fujitora is a swordsman bc his VC said it
BM isnt a swordsman bc her vc doesnt say it well neither does rogers vc
Because oda thinks you are smart enough to notice that the character whom he has only ever shown fighting with a sword is a swordsman
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Shyriu and Lafitte are the Bosses of the BB Pirates, like King and Queen, and obviously both will fight Zoro and Sanji respectively

Otherwise this panel and this conversarion doesn't make any sense for me

They dont know too much :))) they just know about Shiryu and Laffitte appear in the same page, so that theyre sure about Laffite is 2nd or 3rd of BBP. You cannot explain much well for them. they re brainless (most Zorotards)

Lanjitards are built different, built without a brain! :ronalaugh:
My poor kids, the only reason Sanji asked Zoro for this is because he's the only one with probability to do it. No one other than the crew do not accept and refuse this wish. That is why he wanted from Zoro.

And this discussion has been very boring.

Let's talk a little bit about how monstrous the calamaties are.

Luffy fought Kata during 10 15 chap.

Sanji has been fighting against Queen since chapter like 1020.
During all onigashima , with the tarot card , only two person did not take any rest . Sanji and Law. All respect for you guys.
We can understand for 2ways that the first Zoro the only one who can match up Sanji after battle ( Luffy will sleep after that).
And the second Sanji is always trolling Zoro ( Zoro after the battle will be got the pain bc the drugs before ) so that Sanji talks to Zoro bc Sanji knows Zoro cannot do this. :)))
The 2nd is just fun.
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