What move did Sanji use to beat the prostitute up?

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If Shanks was the final villain then Zoro would fight against Shanks VC, the moon to his sun, but since none of this will happen we can just keep shitposting and entertaining the ideia of Lanji fighting Zoro's opponents, like he fought King and will later fight Shiryu.

I also have no idea what gibberish you are spouting in the 2nd half of your post. I was one of the few people here arguing for Zoro vs King for months.
Akainu got by Vista and Marco no problem. Mihawk had to use talk no jutsu on just Vista.

Mihawk vs Vista is actually the only top tier vs commander fight that is confirmed to have been happening offscreen. With every other top tier vs commander fight except, for all we know they had a long staring contest. There’s no indication that Marco and Kizaru had an extended engagement. There is for Mihawk and Vista.

“Oyyyyyy Vista, you’re up”
- Marco while fighting fodder


World's Strongest Swordsman
you have to raise your IQ 30 points just to qualify as a fucking retard

your point : supreme blade user must be a master in using his weapon.
so roger is but whitebeard isnt ?
why ? bc he deosnt jave a "sword" he cant master his blade ? 1000logic
your father should've jerked you off in the toilet or your mother should've swallowed you that day
No clown wbs has mastered his weapon also but wb doesn't have a sword that's the point
Akainu got by Vista and Marco no problem. Mihawk had to use talk no jutsu on just Vista.

Why are you bringing up Akainu when I asked you a question about Aokiji and Kizaru? I thought your argument was that every Admiral was portrayed to be above Mihawk during Marineford.

Why are you unable to answer one simple question about Marineford? Why did Aokiji, Kizaru, and Mihawk all fail to reach Whitebeard in the exact same chapter if Aokiji and Kizaru were portrayed to be superior to Mihawk in that arc?

Mihawk vs Vista is actually the only top tier vs commander fight that is confirmed to have been happening offscreen. With every other top tier vs commander fight except, for all we know they had a long staring contest. There’s no indication that Marco and Kizaru had an extended engagement. There is for Mihawk and Vista.
"I don't like when my favourite characters have bad feats so I'll pretend that they had a staring contest."


Welcome to the House of Hope
Sorry, warning that this is a longish post:

To be honest, I've never understood the fan acceptance that Blackbeard is going to fight and kill Shanks and Mihawk and Shanks' crew. There are a lot of painted red flags that point to Shanks being way more dangerous than he let's on, especially being Luffy's ultimate goal outside of PK:

- Luffy and Shanks' promise. I'm not even talking about the promise in Chapter 1. I'm talking about what that promise means now. When you see Luffy talk about surpassing Shanks, it's always on a violent manner. He talks about taking down all the Yonko. "As long as Shanks isn't first" he's stated. Conversely you have Shanks who just looks straight up menacing when he talks about Luffy, especially the last time we see him.

- Then you have the weird shit Shanks has been up to with the Gorosei. Without even touching on why that's just plainly fucking weird and VERY OOC for Shanks. Oda has made the reader likely believe that Shanks is talking about Blackbeard to the Gorosei. Except we know Shanks hates BB and yet Oda left it as a cliffhanger. It begs the question: was it really about Blackbeard?

- Shanks also has 10 individual Members currently. If you believe that Mihawk may ally with Shanks, that's 11, the same number as Luffy's if Yamato joins, and the same number as Blackbeard and his 10 titanic captains.

- The pure Yakuza references Shanks has (which I won't go into too much detail, there are way too many), including his bounty and his title (he does not go by Captain, he goes by "Kashira" or Boss. Shanks is never referred to as Captain in the manga).

Idk, I've always had the mindset that OP's relative climax would just be very ordered/neat or extremely chaotic.

Basically the neat version is that BB is the final obstacle before One Piece, but One Piece isn't the final goal of the series, taking down the WG seems to he. What they do with One Piece and the knowledge from Laugh Tale/Void Century is supposed to lead them to the climax/final arc.

Or, chaotically, I can see Akainu and Im going down first in a nasty war, then I can see a 1v1v1 between the Strawhats, Blackbeard and RHP's for some ultimate goal the series hasn't revealed yet. This doesn't have to happen cleanly. For example, Wano's war is a pretty solid example of "chaotic". Some fights are laid out for sure, but the way they go down and how has been very random the entire raid. Numbers fall randomly. The F6 fell over 10 chapters at different times. Jack fell in between with Peros. Then Hawkins. Now seemingly it will be Queen (or maybe not who knows). Ther are still more Numbers and Apoo. CP-0 is still a factor. It's just a lot.
IF BB kills Shanks, I don't think Mihawk will be a part of it, tbf.
BUt idk man...Shanks has some mysterious build-up with BB since forever. He gives up his arm betting on Luffy. He's excited about Luffy. He talks to Rayleigh about Luffy saying Luffy said the same thing Roger said. I believe this "Shanks is evil" thing is complete bait. A plot twist just for the sake of a twist. Luffy promised Shanks that he would find a crew that would surpass the RHP's, find the One Piece and become Pirate King.
There are 2 ways for it. Luffy either beats Shanks directly, or he beats whoever beats Shanks. You know what I mean?
BB is basically an anti-Luffy. His introduction is literally find something delicious that Luffy found awful. And finding awful something that Luffy thought was delicious.
Making Shanks evil and the "real last boss" at this point, would be like Arya killing the Night King instead of Jon Snow. It's just to SUBVERT the expectations people had since forever about these two characters and how they would interact with Luffy during his quest.
You do realize that when Luffy accidentally says “punch” instead of “kick” when using Gear 3rd Fujitora literally says “don’t worry, you’re attacks can’t graze my body.”
It boggles my mind how bad people’s reading comprehension can be. The entire encounter is meant to emphasize how even Fujitora’s blindness and unbreakable guard cant prevent Luffy from influencing/befriending him.
My poor kids, the only reason Sanji asked Zoro for this is because he's the only one with probability to do it. No one other than the crew do not accept and refuse this wish. That is why he wanted from Zoro.

And this discussion has been very boring.

Let's talk a little bit about how monstrous the calamaties are.

Luffy fought Kata during 10 15 chap.

Sanji has been fighting against Queen since chapter like 1020.
During all onigashima , with the tarot card , only two person did not take any rest . Sanji and Law. All respect for you guys.
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