What move did Sanji use to beat the prostitute up?

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The Rogue Prince
First :Big Mom can't create a homie from other DF users
Now : headcannon coping and giving Kidd and law's feats (which hasn't even happened)to Akainu even though they are completely different type of fruits
If Kid and Law could do it, Sakazuki sure as shit will do it lol. Fruit types don't matter infact it can be argued that Sakazuki has better control over his element than Kid has.

Yesterday injection shot is stronger than awakend move , today this
Phrase it correctly my friend.

I said GK > Anesthesia. Injection Shot and Anesthesia are comparable. Anesthesia is still stronger.

If Kid and Law could do it, Sakazuki sure as shit will do it lol. Fruit types don't matter infact it can be argued that Sakazuki has better control over his element than Kid has.

Phrase it correctly my friend.

I said GK > Anesthesia. Injection Shot and Anesthesia are comparable. Anesthesia is still stronger.

diferent atacks, Anesthesia dosent seem to actualy harm the person in the same way injection shot does, injection shot seems to be a regular haki piercing atack, while anesthesia dosent seem to leave any external damage, but does something to the interior of the persons body. Soo i disagree, i think GK is more comparable to anesthesia than injection shot.

We do know GK is about destroying internal organs by atacking them with haki, but we dont realy know exactly what anesthesia does.
@Lukegranders @rerere @Pantheos @Echizen_Jo_Ndule

Notice how Law isn’t interested in the Yonko position. He just wants the Poneglyphs to learn about the “D“.

Kidd on the other hand talks about dragging her off her throne. Hawkins was saying a couple chapters ago that Kidd sees this as his chance to “supplant” an emperor :hohoho:

What have I been saying? Luffy takes Kaido seat, Kidd takes Big Mom seat. New rulers after Wano are Luffy, Kidd, Blackbeard, Shanks. Luffy has beef with BB, Kidd has beef with Shanks. I made a post about this once the Kidd vs BM fight started. It’s already been foreshadowed by Oda

In the same chapter:

Look who’s lined up with who:

Law isn't interested in greatness by anyone else's standards but his own. He'll take what he wants, and right now what he wants is beyond the consolation prize of a mere yonko seat.. it is the mystery of D. and the true history of the world. The ultimate seat of power will be supplanted... Imu's throne!! :steef:
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