What move did Sanji use to beat the prostitute up?

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Faust,Bepo,Penguin,Shachi,Heat,Wire and many other characters of the supernova could get screetime, sadly they didn´t get them. The worst part, in this raid group battles would make more sense, Ulti and Pageone get trashed by Big mom because Oda didn´t know how to beat them. With the flying six and Jack, we had opponents who could be fighting in group battles.

Like Nami+Usopp+Shachi+Penguin+Faust vs Pageone and Ulti
Brook and Robin vs Black Maria and her squad was already okay
Heat+Wire+Franky vs Sasaki
Jinbe vs WsW
Sulong Inu and Sulong Bepo vs Jack....

Oda doesn't seem to care for the Supernova crews, he had plenty of time to give some focus to Bepo and the others but he didn't.

Oda could have easily had Bepo fight Faust but nope, the Heart Pirates and the Kid Pirates barely got any focus during this arc. Also Apoo's crew, Hawkins's crew, and X Drake's crew all went missing, it's almost like they never existed lol

The only Supernova crew that had any decent focus was the Fire Tank Pirates, Oda gave more focus to Vito and Gotti than any other Supernova subordinates.
So how is everyone explaining the injured woman?

Did Sanji really hit her?

Was it CoC?

Is she a man in disguise?

Is she one of B.Maria's girls trying to con Sanji? He still wouldn't hit her though.

Was it someone else?

I'm going with CoC. She fell down and hit her head.
Could be anything
.either sanji hit her or used coc
.we gotta wait to see next chapter

So as expected. Big Mom is fine and ready to continue the fight. Who could've thought:wellwell:

Where is that godly feat those clowns Kiddo fans blabbed about? Lmao.

I thought Big Mom would be at least dead looking at how much you hyped that trash attack by Kidd:kobeha::kobeha::kobeha:
Completely ignores that Big Mom was getting up from the rubble spitting blood in the beginning of the chapter and that she says that they damaged her more than she has been damaged in “years”

“Trash attack”:kobeha::kobeha::kobeha:

Yeah she’s definitely fine. After sacrificing a year of her life to get stronger LoL
This chapter is very good so far.

Sanji got proper character development, he rather destroyed his powerful PU instead of becoming a monster just like his siblings. Also, Evil Sanji sure is coming soon. Possibly Zoro vs Sanji? That might be interesting.

Also, Zoro is really a physical beast, man. He just blocked the beak which overpowered and injured RS Sanji that drastically.
I also recognized that Zoro still was fully focused on King despite talking to Sanji by the Den Den Mushi. It was a good decision to change the surroundings around Zoro and King - now they can show as much crazy feats as they like. Onigashima has a huge mountain range after all.
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