What move did Sanji use to beat the prostitute up?

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How law and Kidd went from getting rekt by doffy and kaido respectively to damaging BM so soon is beyond my understanding.
I don't remember Kidd losing to Doffy or any Yc
Kidd only lost to Yonko. Law lost to doffy while being at disadvantage twice.
SN trio only lost to conquerors.

Also wano law>>Dr law
Current kidd>rooftoo Kidd > pre wano Kidd
How law and Kidd went from getting rekt by doffy and kaido respectively to damaging BM so soon is beyond my understanding.
Doffy is one the strongest people in One Piece, and was the 2nd strongest Warlord after Mihawk. You guys just suck ass at powerscaling.

No, they could not do anything to Big Mom before awakening. They still are very skilled at it. Their awakening uses up their energy to quickly.
And Big Mom couldn't do anything to do to them. That's what a STALEMATE is.

Kaido couldn't "do anything" to Big Mom for 3 days or whatever.

So 2 guys with awakening are able to seriously damage a Yonko. That tell me that Admiral can easily take down a Yonko if they have god tier proficiency with DF.

Or Big Mom is just a disgrace as Kaido said.
So all guys that achieve awakening could potentially being very dangerous for a Yonko? Yonko are losing hype :kayneshrug:
We havent see good feat in term of hacky for Law/Kid. Yeah axe power due df power. But that it.

So all 1YC that achieve awakening could potentially take down a Yonko especially if the Yonko as to face 1YC at the same time.
Sound good for me.

A Shiriu that get eyes to Big Mom could for me take her down if he achieve awaken df + high hacky stats.

Law and Kidd will each solo Admirals by Wano arc
Oda and Power Ups > Power Scaling
Nah Oda is not consistent.
1 month ago Kid lost to a 3YC
Law was overpower by Godflamingo and EpicFujitora.

In 1 month timelapse the only improvment that we saw for Law was awakening (we know that he has no CoC) and we havent see good hacky feat for Law so far due to overused of axe df power.

For Kidd we know that he lost to Cracker (He had very good use of his df, + good stats in armament hacky he could bypass Luffy hacky an hacky that was enough for defeating Don Flamingo). That tell me that cracker would win vs Law too.

Now we having see any major fight for law,Kid (kid got betrayed by Apoo when Kaido felt from the sky so we can't count that as a fight)

That leave us directly to the rooftop fight, in which clearly Luffy&Zoro overshadow this 2.

1 chapter ago, we got this so call new PU for Law/Kid awaken use of the df, that sound was kind effective on Big Mom (we know Oda overhype statment in general so I take it for what it is)

Now we can clearly say that a guy like Katakuri that master awakening df + other form of hacky is definitely more lethal than Law&Kid that only recently used awaken df without any hacky feat.

To conclude yeah Kid and Law are at best 1YC commander.
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