Man, I feel so bad for Granpa Hyo
He had is wife along with 16 children getting slaughtered!
This is soo fucking sad, specially that Hyo is one of the Wano characters I truly fell in love with. He just feels like your kind always smiling kindhearted grandfather!
Also, it's interesting to see Barrier Ability standing up against a monster like Oden. It just shows you how powerful that ability is!
What's sooo interesting though is that, both of those powers on Orochi's side, actually now belongs to two allies and friends of Luffy (Bon Chan and Bartolomeo)
I also think it's so great for Oda that he's re-using the abilities we got in this flashback with dead people. This way, he can actually save unique new DF for new characters who will show up in present time, and not waste those abilities on flashback characters who will not reappear again.
Also, it makes Oda implement the idea of DF reincarnation in the story more than the (Ace-Sabo) plot which was only one time