[FNZ] Light game Death Note Mini Mafia

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Not everyone has to play or be at 100% all the time. But inevitably, *someone* has to go. And for you to say "pity me" falls hollow when you realize that you're asking for someone that's actually playing, engaged, and I'd go as far as to say I'm being pretty fucking townie, to go down in your stead. lol.
You realize your push on me is exactly why you look scummy, because it is senseless. It is going to make you look a hella lot more scummy when I flip town, then if you are actually town you will be in a great place for a mislynch because of you horrible read on me, when people who actually playing with me tells you it is a bad one.
Calling players apes. This is just awful.
You're playing like an Ape. You're throwing shit around and seeing what sticks. Instead of engaging in dialogue, you're just ignoring anything I have to say and saying "U mad!?!?". My responses always "sound like scum being mad/annoyed" or whatever, when I already told you I'm annoyed, and there's really no alignment indication there.

It's a fair criticism, well deserved for basically hopping on me for no reason and then taunting me, so don't whine I'm being a meanie. I think calling someone a monkey is rather playful insult but if you insist that it's hurtful I'll think of...something else analogous.
You're playing like an Ape. You're throwing shit around and seeing what sticks. Instead of engaging in dialogue, you're just ignoring anything I have to say and saying "U mad!?!?". My responses always "sound like scum being mad/annoyed" or whatever, when I already told you I'm annoyed, and there's really no alignment indication there.

It's a fair criticism, well deserved for basically hopping on me for no reason and then taunting me, so don't whine I'm being a meanie. I think calling someone a monkey is rather playful insult but if you insist that it's hurtful I'll think of...something else analogous.
Understandable. Have a great day.
You realize your push on me is exactly why you look scummy, because it is senseless. It is going to make you look a hella lot more scummy when I flip town, then if you are actually town you will be in a great place for a mislynch because of you horrible read on me, when people who actually playing with me tells you it is a bad one.
This literally applies vice-versa to you, so moot.

I don't care what people have to say about other people's meta. I never have, and as a rule, it has benefitted me more times than not. I've been burned plenty of times by "trust me bro". I respect you as a player. I'm not going to dismiss that you would never do something when that something is what I find scummy. Mafia is a game of lying, to say you wouldn't lie about something means nothing to me.

Finally, you know I haven't played that often with you, in quite a while, so for you to hold me to a standard of "knowing better" and deciding I'm scum on that basis is ridiculous.


This literally applies vice-versa to you, so moot.

I don't care what people have to say about other people's meta. I never have, and as a rule, it has benefitted me more times than not. I've been burned plenty of times by "trust me bro". I respect you as a player. I'm not going to dismiss that you would never do something when that something is what I find scummy. Mafia is a game of lying, to say you wouldn't lie about something means nothing to me.

Finally, you know I haven't played that often with you, in quite a while, so for you to hold me to a standard of "knowing better" and deciding I'm scum on that basis is ridiculous.
I never said "you know better" in fact I am saying the opposite, you don't know how I play at all, hence why your read is horrible, even though I think it's horrible all together, you are literally suspecting me for getting people talking and encouraging conversation in the game.
In summary, Zemmi saying "I'd NeVeR Be ScUmMy As ScUm" is not a good defense. If you think her meta points to town, feel welcome to say your piece, but don't get on my ass about it when they haven't really been playing all that townie on an objective level.


Weird question, but why do you Town read me this early?
I can not tell you exactly why, but it's a feeling I have gotten from your posts. Town has a natural flow when they speak while scum has a forced feeling, that is out of place. That is why I pick up so easy on scum in game and use to get a lot of "I feel they are scum lynches" lmao.
No. It's because of you dismissing other people's reads on her and pushing her anyway.
I don't care, because the implication is that I ought to care more about what other people think. Crazy concept for a serial sheeper, but this is how I operate. Also meta is not more important than object level play. I'll take note of it but I'm not going to go "Oh ok have a nice day Zemmi."
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