Seriously? :lusalty:

I can understand Lance getting angry at someone plagiarazing his summaries, but getting mad over one random user making an edgy comment when 95% of the forum shows nothing but respect and appreciation for him? That's something for the mods to take care of.
Been following him for 5+ yrs dating back to his time on OJ, I'm honestly surprised it took this long for him to crack

You'd usually have to say some insane shit to actually make him pissef off


Bald Spoiler Provider
do you seriously think he will stop posting the spoilers or summaries?
he probably likes the attention he gets for it, im not saying there is anything wrong with that, but there is just no way he will stop posting

if he was to stop posting only because of a few problematic individuals, im not sure how you could keep supporting him after that.
If one guy comment stop him from posting that after 10 years of providing he will be a legend for ever