It can't even be considered cyberbullying. It was only a bad joke from a random guy, nothing more.
It is a bad joke, you yourself said it. Since, it is a bad joke, not many people take it lightly as you want. Particularly when you don't know anything about the person joke was directed to. Besides, there are many jokes and trolls on the said guy. Why do you think only one joke affected him?
I don't take it seriously if someone says that to me. But at the same time, I don't ask or pretend that you should do the same because you may have different view on the same joke. And when you react differently I don't call you whiny bitch.
you are correct but i shall expect that you have ample experience here to know that getting offended over it is pointless innt.. i'd rather argue that Lance Brodah is not having a good day.. and the troll or just passive /direct insults aren't helping his case.. i
You must be minions of egocentric trolls since you think going overboard on trolling someone is fine. There is a line one should not cross. You can't differentiate between good and bad humor. There are many memes and jokes on Lance and yet he responded to one post. My brain may have errors but I am not egocentric asshole. I think you are kind of guy who think victim is at fault instead of perpetrator.

like I said you think trolling is cool even when crossed line.
im not blaming him you idiot...he shat on everyone bc of 1 guy thats childish mentality.

we have different definitions of humor kid....bad humor good humor is a made up thing not a either joke about everything or nothing...if you get pissed off at one joke rest would do the same thing and there you go no more jokes. no one is special eveyone gets the same treatment.

dont tell me you havent seen some garbage fucks who make way worse jokes than "passed away".

but why would mods care no one made a joke on them, right ? "fuck others im the one and only absolute authority here"