Character Discussion Why Mihawk has such low relevancy in the story


When were you under the impression this game is..
Pretty sure Oda is gonna do a last minute, bloated lore drop to compensate for the utter lack of people caring for the WSS title. Zoro has yet to fight ONE guy who's also aiming for the title or has some connection to it. It's really pathetic.
Always found it to be a problem how no one seems to care about the title, it really devalues it in my opinion.
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I've already debated @Shinsekai their argument is the same argument from 2006-2007.

"Mihawk fought vista and postponed therefore he is max Yc3 tier"

There's no need to debate someone who's stuck in the years I mentioned above.
I disagree with the thread starter but Mihawk’s story relevance is pretty non existent, would you not agree?
I've already debated @Shinsekai their argument is the same argument from 2006-2007.

"Mihawk fought vista and postponed therefore he is max Yc3 tier"

There's no need to debate someone who's stuck in the years I mentioned above.
Marineford was 2010-2011 and no one said that Mihawk is max YC3. But he's just overrated as hell
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He's relevent the same way Rayleigh in relevent, he's the reason Zoro is getting stronger because he trained him... and because Zoro wants to beat him...
Anyway this dude is so pathetic with weak baits trying so hard so be like stealthbLack, blocked.
Yeah comparing Rayleigh to Mihawk when Rayleigh is like 70 years old and retired and his era has already passed :suresure:
Mihawk has done nothing since then, we’re just using his only actual onscreen feats instead of relying on “portrayal” lol
So you’ll hold Mihawk to a Yc3 tier when his pupil has shown Yc1 feats and is currently battling a Yc1?

It wouldn’t make much sense to hold Mihawk to a tier of Vista, Cracker, & Jack.
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Marineford was 2010-2011 and no one said that Mihawk is max YC3. But he's just overrated as hell
So you agree that argument is dumb then?
No one is saying Vista = Mihawk. What we're saying is that Mihawk can't be stronger than someone like Shanks when he can't even finish a YC3 and has to postpone the fight instead of finishing it immediately like what he did with Mr.1
Mr.1 relies heavily on his DF hence why he got one-shotted.

Let’s just make this clear cause I know I’m not the only one tired of your Mihawk downplaying.

What tier is Mihawk to you ?
Mr.1 relies heavily on his DF hence why he got one-shotted.
That doesn't make any sense. He got one shot because he was extremely weaker than Mihawk and that's usually what happens in the series
I know I’m not the only one tired of your Mihawk downplaying.
I don't really care
What tier is Mihawk to you ?
Slightly above YC1 but definitely not Yonko/Admiral level
That doesn't make any sense. He got one shot because he was extremely weaker than Mihawk and that's usually what happens in the series

I don't really care

Slightly above YC1 but definitely not Yonko/Admiral level
You need to understand something One Piece power scaling doesn't work A > B > C logic like Dragon Ball.

Of course you care otherwise you wouldn't be making threads to bait people if the audience your attempting to reach doesn't care what the point of posting ?????

So you have Mihawk below Fujitora & Kizaru ?

So when Zoro defeats King he's ready for Mihawk ?
Of course you care otherwise you wouldn't be making threads to bait people if the audience your attempting to reach doesn't care what the point of posting ?????
I'm not baiting anyone. Zoro wankers like you have taken over that forum to the point where any threads/posts against Zoro or his associates like Mihawk are considered bait and sometimes even shut down by the mods themselves. The reason why so many people have fucked off from this forum is because you've formed such a circlejerk that doesn't tolerate anyone going against the wank, and you do it by ganging up like a bunch of hyenas. Everyone going against the wank has already given up and left except some low IQ trolls like Stealthblack and Erkan and that's why the forum has been declining in quality for years now

Someone like me was needed to end all the wank and cringe Zoro/Mihawk religion dominating this forum by using logic and canon material

So you have Mihawk below Fujitora & Kizaru ?
Yes, and Kizaru is a fucking swordsman now? My God

So when Zoro defeats King he's ready for Mihawk ?
Yes he will be. Most likely he won't even fight Mihawk since it wouldn't narratively make any sense
If hes really shakky and rayleighs son that could be interesting for him as a character at least

Plot wise his biggest hope to be more relevant is just teaming up with someone and that someone probably being shanks.
I doubt hes gonna join bb or the world government just so oda can make him zoros final major arc fight but i guess it could happen instead
The reason why so many people have fucked off from this forum
It was ''predicted'' back in DR that ''so many people'' would leave in Wano, I kept repeating it to those with the powerscaling of a toddler and the reason is because Wano was going to be where Zoro goes all out and prove those clowns that they lied to themselves for a thousand was pretty clear and has noth8ng to do with Zoro wank but more like Zoro downplay.
It is what it is !
It was ''predicted'' back in DR that ''so many people'' would leave in Wano, I kept repeating it to those with the powerscaling of a toddler and the reason is because Wano was going to be where Zoro goes all out and prove those clowns that they lied to themselves for a thousand was pretty clear and has noth8ng to do with Zoro wank but more like Zoro downplay.
It is what it is !
Why would people leave because Zoro is doing good? That doesn't make any sense and is an excuse to how pathetic the wankers on thie forum have been acting. Anyway Zoro hasn't done shit except mildly damaging Kaido and getting clowned by the whole Enma magic sword thing. He said that he can't even beat King unless he exposes his weakness
How is that guy considered "top-tier" is beyond me. Ignoring his obviously terrible feats. He has such bad portrayal by Oda that i'm almost 100% certain that he won't be Zoro's EoS opponent. If he was truly such an important character to be supposedly the EoS opponent of the second most popular character ever in One Piece, then Oda needs to reconsider being a writer because he obviously can't portray such an important character for shit

No one simply gives a flying fuck about him

1- Kaido doesn't consider him as one of the greats/legends. You'd think that someone who has a major history with swordsmen and literally LIVES in the land of swordsmen, would at least consider "The World's Strongest Swordsmen" to be any relevant. But he doesn't. I doubt he even cares that he exists. Also Kaido somehow seems oblivious that Mihawk > Shanks :vistalaugh:

2- The entire land of Wano hasn't mentioned Mihawk even ONCE. Supposedly the land of swordsmen seem to not give a shit about "The World's Strongest Swordsman". The argument that they're an "isolated country" also doesn't make sense because it means that Mihawk hasn't even bothered to visit the land of swordsmen throughout his life or do anything of relevancy there. Why does that guy keep dodging/postponing strong fighters anyway? The strongest he has ever fought was Shanks 12 years ago and there's no evidence that he even beat him. Same Shanks who got scarred permanently by fruit-less Blackbeard. So you can tell he wasn't anything special, probably was like YC2 at best

3- Crocodile shit talking him without giving a fuck or facing consequences Imagine Croco-boy talking shit to any Yonko or Admiral in their face and getting away with it. Some fans might cope and say "Well he also shit talked Whitebeard". But even then he was far away and has never shit talked Whitebeard when he was close to him, not to mention that Whitebeard was heavily occupied with Ace, Sengoku, Admirals, his crew, etc. While Mihawk basically had nothing to do at all except chasing fodder G2 Luffy and failing to even critically damage him. Meanwhile the most fearless Warlord (Doflamingo) who is also much stronger than Crocodile and has CoC used to SHIT his pants just from hearing Kaido's name, and he also pussied out from fighting Aokiji

4- Marco never took him seriously to the point that he never even bothered to directly confront him and sent someone who's technically 2 ranks (YC3) below him to deal with Mihawk. Can you imagine Marco sending Vista-sama to deal with Shanks, Kaido, Akainu, Big Mom, Dragon, etc? We saw first-hand how serious does Marco take strongest opponents by either confronting them directly (Big Mom), or even asking for help from Vista-sama before doing so (Akainu)

6- He hasn't been mentioned with in relevancy by any relevant characters. Best he has even gotten was Whitebeard saying "Hawkeye" before Mihawk hit a slash that was blocked by Jozu anyway (same Jozu who got shit on by Doflamingo btw) and other than that pretty much nothing. Even when he was chased no Admiral even bothered to accompany the marines chasing him the same way they didn't bother with the other warlords. Meanwhile Kizaru wanted to personally go and stop characters like Kaido and Big Mom because only those are worth his time

7- Last but not least. He wasn't even called "World's Strongest Swordsman" when he was portrayed last time. Why? If he has such bad feats and portrayals, then shouldn't his title be his only shield from mediocrity? His title is always the magic word that his fans use when anyone doubts Mihawk supposed superiority. Yet it seems like even Oda doesn't give many fucks about the poor guy anymore that he doesn't bother calling him "The World's Strongest Swordsman" anymore :milaugh:

10/10 Thread. No 1 fraud in the OP universe. Couldnt beat shanks who wasnt even a yonko by that time. slightly stronger than a YC 1 and a certain retard fanbase (zoro cuckboys) think he is a top tier :ihaha: :shame:
I'm not baiting anyone. Zoro wankers like you have taken over that forum to the point where any threads/posts against Zoro or his associates like Mihawk are considered bait and sometimes even shut down by the mods themselves. The reason why so many people have fucked off from this forum is because you've formed such a circlejerk that doesn't tolerate anyone going against the wank, and you do it by ganging up like a bunch of hyenas. Everyone going against the wank has already given up and left except some low IQ trolls like Stealthblack and Erkan and that's why the forum has been declining in quality for years now

Someone like me was needed to end all the wank and cringe Zoro/Mihawk religion dominating this forum by using logic and canon material

Yes, and Kizaru is a fucking swordsman now? My God

Yes he will be. Most likely he won't even fight Mihawk since it wouldn't narratively make any sense
Someone like you ?

Get your head out of your @$$, nothing you’ve stated has substance Mihawk is a mere Yc1? Is laughable, it’s not ganging up on you it pointing out your arguments are foolish.

Fujitora is based on the swordsman Zatoichi from an old Japanese movie (Which Oda is a big fan of)

Fujitora is a swordsman = fact.

Therefore your argument that Mihawk is below admirals is wrong.

Kizaru when faced with Rayleigh draws his light sword which is based on a real Japanese relic ama no Murakumo, more things point to Kizaru being a swordsman than not one.

I advise you to do some research, watch some old Japanese movies that Oda has watched, learn some Japanese lore then you’ll be able to have decent arguments instead of crap from the early 2000’s.
Someone like you ?

Get your head out of your @$$, nothing you’ve stated has substance Mihawk is a mere Yc1? Is laughable, it’s not ganging up on you it pointing out your arguments are foolish.

Fujitora is based on the swordsman Zatoichi from an old Japanese movie (Which Oda is a big fan of)

Fujitora is a swordsman = fact.

Therefore your argument that Mihawk is below admirals is wrong.

Kizaru when faced with Rayleigh draws his light sword which is based on a real Japanese relic ama no Murakumo, more things point to Kizaru being a swordsman than not one.

I advise you to do some research, watch some old Japanese movies that Oda has watched, learn some Japanese lore then you’ll be able to have decent arguments instead of crap from the early 2000’s.
No, Mihawk is an overrated fraud who has shittier feats than Marco. His title doesn't mean jackshit. Kaido is called WSC and he's obviously not the strongest character in the series. And Mihawk was called WSS before Oda could figure out how Haki works or had any idea how the series will turn out. And recently he hasn't even been called that anymore like i explained in my OP

Also Kizaru is not a swordsman because he doesn't even have a fucking sword. His "sword" is just one of his Light Devil Fruit abilites and he literally used it just once so far in the series to fight with Rayleigh since he had a sword himself. But he could simply just fight normally like he does 99% of time
Someone like you ?

Get your head out of your @$$, nothing you’ve stated has substance Mihawk is a mere Yc1? Is laughable, it’s not ganging up on you it pointing out your arguments are foolish.

Fujitora is based on the swordsman Zatoichi from an old Japanese movie (Which Oda is a big fan of)

Fujitora is a swordsman = fact.

Therefore your argument that Mihawk is below admirals is wrong.

Kizaru when faced with Rayleigh draws his light sword which is based on a real Japanese relic ama no Murakumo, more things point to Kizaru being a swordsman than not one.

I advise you to do some research, watch some old Japanese movies that Oda has watched, learn some Japanese lore then you’ll be able to have decent arguments instead of crap from the early 2000’s.
Kizaru's main ability is light. Fujitora's main ability is gravity . and here we have retards saying kizaru and fujitora are swordsmen :ihaha:

I advise you to do some research

Mihawk is a fraud. no one can change facts :ihaha: