Bolded literary every retarded thing u just said
First of all where did u get that country level feat from? oh yeah came it out ur ass
Did mihawk even lift it?
Zoro in dressrosa cut down pica which was similar to what mihawk did. cutting ice or some soil doesnt make him strong. mihawk couldnt even put a scratch on jozu
1. read carefully from here on out. what swordsmen do in their fights or the only thing they are capable of is
cutting down things. mihawk,vista and zoro basically all they do is sending slashes or cut down their opponents.
2.The different between others like
big mom,fujitora,brook,law,King etc is that all of them doesnt just cut down things. They can do way more than that.
A). Big mom literary punches people, can take peoples' souls, can manipulate souls and use them to power up herself and also can power up other objects like hera,zeus etc. signifies the DF abilities she got.
B). fujitora stomps, lifts and ragdolls his opponents with gravity (horizontally or vertically) , can send meteorites from the sky. Got nothing to do with swords but his Gravity DF power.
C). Brook can use ice to take out opponents which is one of his DF's power, can manipulate his soul to do other stuff he wants. will he be able to fight in that mode? thats yet to be seen. and not only that he uses music to fight others as well.
D). Law literary can teleport, can inject things, can put barriers to shield himself, can operate others body from inside, can use electrical shocks to take out opponents, can destroy opponents organs in a single hit. literary everything used in a operating theatre can be used by him. which signifies his DF powers.
E). King literary shoot flames, send slashes through his hybrid form wings, uses his beak to drill through his opponents, uses hand to hand combat, kick opponents, disintergrate opponents through fire. zoro literary said that he first mistook him for a swordsmen but when he started using other fighting styles zoro realized he is not a swordsmen like himself.
Now for swordsmen,
a). Cavendish is a swordsman actually since hakuba is just another mode of his duel personality in his sleep. but all he does is cut opponents with his blade. he doesnt punch. he slices and only that. so he is a swordsman.
b). Kinemon is a swordsmen too. since his DF isnt a combat type itself. only special trait fox-fire style. which we know a different sword style not a DF ability. so he is a swordsmen likewise.
c). zoro uses different kinds of techniques like spirits, and can use his flying slashes to combat in different ways. can use no sword style where he only uses his hands. Difference in these guys and others is that all of their techniques are used by swords. no DF abilities used to combat. just pure swordsmanship.
no sword style itself answers ur question. once u starts fighting or throwing things without using ur swords then from that point onwards its simply
No-sword style. literary name itself shows u that its no longer swordsmanship
Too bad retards like zoro fans can comprehend something so simple. Funny how other fanbases know abt zoro's own abilities than his retarded fanbase
It's time u accept the fact mihawk, zoro the swordsmen gang is nothing but overrated characters who cant do anything but slice his opponents. In other words a gang of frauds