Who should Dragoban ban next?

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I think King still has awakening up his sleeve. It would be really odd for him to not have it when we've seen it from so many characters now.

As we saw with Kid and Law, awakening can have major side effects, causing it to be a final trump card, rather than another casual ability. In the case of zoan awakenings, zoan users seem to lose their minds when they awaken. This is likely why King and kaido haven't used it yet.
Zoro is getting his ass kicked

put at least he didn't get non chalantly blocked by King with one hand
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"King's durability is highlighted in one chapter, that means he's durability must better than kaido who has the best durability portrayals in one piece"
Dude how does your brain work lol:kayneshrug:
Now as strong as King is, we still have to remember he is facing Zoro here, the same Zoro that can completely hold for several seconds.... an island sized version of this.

We can't underestimate Zoro, Is Zoro using his strongest moves, is he putting his all? Not yet, maybe when he feels sure he can afford to use such moves.
"King's durability is highlighted in one chapter, that means he's durability must better than kaido who has the best durability portrayals in one piece"
King's durability literally tanked the attack which cleaved Kaido's durability, it means that his durability is better.

It's... very simple logic. No one is saying his durability is better because of highlighting or empty talk. He literally tanked an attack Kaido couldn't lol

Gol D. Roger

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More ap if he unleashes it
Doesnt mean with lower haki zoro cant cut kaido
It s clear king is special
I am not saying King isn't special. Dude's got impressive durability, one of the highest in the series easily. But it's also a fact that Zoro used a more powerful attack to cut Kaido.

If you wish to make an argument in King's favor, you can say King tanked Zoro while Kaido can't tank the attacks from the Scabbards which should logically be below Zoro's COA coated attacks.
That is his passive defense, his scales are not his weapon.
King's wings are a direct part of his offensive fighting style, more akin to Kaido's claws than his base scales,
Also King is using hardening and a CROSS BLOCK against a 1vs1 attack, rather than not using hardening (or blocking) against an attack he is not focused on like Kaido did when he was focused on swallowing and killing Luffy...

When King can casually open his wings in tatsumaki rather than cross block at full power, not use his haki, and end up with only a single instantly regenerating scratch, then we'll talk.
1. I never said his scales was his weapon. I said thats his defense in Dragon form. He literally never blocks in in dragon form.
2. Kings Wings literally took 0 damage not even a cut
3. Where did Zoro say anything about him using Hardening. Zoro just comments that he is durable. Stop making up your headcanon
4. What is focusing on it going to do? He would still get cut. Lol
5. King literally took no damage to his wings and why do you keep saying Haki.
6. King regenerated from iniguri when it made him bleed instantly. Go reread the manga
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