Who should Dragoban ban next?

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No YC is tagging Katakuri consistently
That's a lie , no one among Calamities and WB commanders has better CoO than pre fs Luffy or better attack speed than Boundman.

King isn't also KOing Katakuri
Put Benn vs Katakuri, that's the only match kata can not win but he won't lose too.
Luffy was tagging Katakuri before he learned FS. King is faster than Katakuri and WCI Luffy. Katakuri gets destroyed by King.
Another Judge™ free PU for Cucksmoke Lanji coming up, he needs to stack them to even have a shot against the weakest commander in the manga.
At least he didn't need to rely on magical steroids to be useful. Otherwise, he would've been bedridden and mummified the in the remaining war. lol, Sucks to be a zorotard right?


Is @Cinera back?

He is probably getting pretty pissed by the current events lol.

I don't know how many times he told me king is not on Zoro's level during rooftop and that it was very very unlikely King will even get past mid diff.
He dropped one piece when yamato only managed to get a single drop of blood from kaido
Hahaha. wtf are you reading? Killer didn't knock out zoro? so you're saying zoro knowcked out himself. Being a zorotard is one thing but being delusional is too much. lol
Here are the scenes.

You don't sees all fall from Killer's attack.

Zoro passed out from stomach problems after all the fighting is over. That's why the manga focus on his stomach.

Stop pushing your headcannon and claiming theses scenes are different.
I do fear his mentality is suffering, he really did damage his health from overworking to the point he was hospitalised twice before and needs mandatory breaks now.

I've suffered with regular insomnia/sleep deprivation for well over a decade now and it's really affected my health, especially my mental health so I can only imagine what it must be doing to Oda! He was sleeping 3 hours a day only at one point and working for the other 21 or so!!!

Also now we've been in a pandemic for almost 2 years, that must be making things more difficult for him too, much more stress and he barely was seeing his family before, so how much worse must it be now? I've suspected he's a workaholic, addicted to working too much or and it's just a massive escape for him or he's too ingrained by the extreme, sacrificial Japanese work ethic too.
I've watched this pandemic really turn people close to me and near me a lot crazier too tbh, myself included at that. Much more depressed, stressed and just crazier.

If he ended Wano like that, it would legit be worse than any other series I've read and that's at their worst too. We'll feel like how Kinemon did when Kaido stabbed him. I mean did Kaido not stab any of his vitals either?
Kinemon isn't bleeding profusely and to death too? How does stabbing his body lead to seperating Kinemon's body again when it was sliced up, which is completely different to a stabbing especially in direction/angle ofc?
Oda's "logic" completely astounds me, maybe he really has lost his mind?

IDK why killing is important here? like kaido defeted king defeted queen defeted and others defeted, now whats with killing
like even if they don't kill them its there choice... they can just leave them for marine
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