Zoro vs King CoC Clash?!

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Full power Kaido >~ full power BM
Sweet Commanders ~ Calamities
BMP Pirates >~ Beast pirates, minus captains
Captains can solo their crews so they basically comprise a considerable portion of their crew power

Factually, Yonkos are in deadlock with each other. Their overall forces cancel each other out and any win is extreme diff. No single YC1 is beating two or more on the other YC side, any attempt to think through that is outright contradicting the manga narrative.
Full power Kaido >~ full power BM
Sweet Commanders ~ Calamities
BMP Pirates >~ Beast pirates, minus captains

Factually, Yonkos are in deadlock with each other. Their overall forces cancel each other out and any win is extreme diff. No single YC1 is beating two or more on the other YC side, any attempt to think through that is outright contradicting the manga narrative.
Yep. People who think YC level(s?) don’t exist arent reading the story.
How will they dmg king lol
None of them have Coc coating ?
Marco didn't used CoC either and damaged King. Just because Zori chan can't do it without Enma magical powers, doesn't mean other YC can't.
It's fucking ridiculous and pathetic how the same people were saying King is a fodder to Zoro, when the second was on the roof top, and how King would get one shoted/low diffed by Zoro, now once this fight happened and Zoro gets his ass beat, they wank King to oblivion. Zorofans have no shame at all lmao


Talent is something you make bloom.
The guy with endurance and durability greater than Kaido's will get tired?:seriously:
Can y'all take a step back and see what you are all saying?

Let's assume there's a war between the beast pirates and big mom pirates.
What you are all saying, is that while Kaido is stalling Big Mom, King alone will beat all of her 3 Sweet Generals.
What's left?
An army that was unable to deal with a single musketeer Sulong, while Jack fought an entire army of them AND WON. Losing only to the dukes.
And Queen, who's even STRONGER than Jack, that would completely FODDERIZE the rest of the Big Mom PIrates that consist of fighters no stronger than Flying 6 equivalents.
And the Beast Pirates STILL have the Flying 6.

The story makes it pretty clear that a fight between the Yonkos would render the victor's army so fucking destroyed, that they would be vulnerable to other's attacks. But with King, ALONE, being able, not only to stall, BUT ACTUALLY BEAT all of BM's STRONGEST 3 fighters, and the rest of the Beast Pirates being stacked with people that can fuck up the rest of her army, it doesn't feel like the Beast Pirates would be in a position of "vulnerability", no?

"King beats all 3 Sweet Commanders" is one of the most ABSURD takes I've ever seen on this site, and believe me when I say I've seen some absurd shit already.

Y'all really, REALLY have Z-E-R-O notion of strategy, maneuverability, etc. For y'all, these characters are like fucking video game bosses that require some minimal attack stat in order to be able to deal damage. Being 1 stat short is the same as being 100 stat short.

I find it quite amazing, really.
Fucking scabbards can hurt and pierce Kaido, but GOD FORBID if characters like the Sweet Commanders can do it as well, or hurt King.
We all know that Kinemon>>>>>>>>>>>Katakuri, AMIRITE?
Okay this begs the question
Did Zoro feed Enma his COC when he performed Ashura on the roof?
Obviously Zoro drew out his COC when he was near death and performing Ashura, but I think whether or not Enma was feeding on Zoro's COC remains to be seen
yes, cuz he said I ll use all I have in this attack, so Zoro put all his hacky in that attack. I have 0 doubt that Zoro use adcoc in that occasion.
People not seeing black lighting are confused due to having a different animation for Asura.
In any case that adv coc was the main focus in that chapter and both Zoro&Luffy got it there, cuz both where able to damage Kaido.
Normal coc would't have damage Kaido. In any case, let see how the animation look like because to me feeding coc to Enma is exactly what adcoc is , infusing or coating something with coc is what adcoc is.
Marco didn't used CoC either and damaged King. Just because Zori chan can't do it without Enma magical powers, doesn't mean other YC can't.
It's fucking ridiculous and pathetic how the same people were saying King is a fodder to Zoro, when the second was on the roof top, and how King would get one shoted/low diffed by Zoro, now once this fight happened and Zoro gets his ass beat, they wank King to oblivion. Zorofans have no shame at all lmao
Marco’s knee is actually secretly an ancient weapon though. - some Zoro fan, probably
Marco didn't used CoC either and damaged King. Just because Zori chan can't do it without Enma magical powers, doesn't mean other YC can't.
It's fucking ridiculous and pathetic how the same people were saying King is a fodder to Zoro, when the second was on the roof top, and how King would get one shoted/low diffed by Zoro, now once this fight happened and Zoro gets his ass beat, they wank King to oblivion. Zorofans have no shame at all lmao
Zoro dmg king as well with Ultra Gari
But Kings Racial ability allow him to adapt so

Sweet commanders will deal low dmg initially but once king adapts its over
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