that means norms should be the same, as god knows better... or god changed the law or liberals did ? if liberals did than its allright to fuck 12 years old girl... we are not monkeys but we can allways live by monkey laws
Norms depend on ideologies and not everyone shares then and god doesn't control ideologies of the world except for his own religion and doctrine he presented his messenger with to spread it thoroughout the world... due to time progression we had more obligation like studies, work and wars lacked and the prime age to be married where in some place its 14 to 16 coz thats when Puberty and reproductive developments at at peak apparently.. some females hit Puberty early and develop reproductive parts as well...
and we're just talking about spousal pleasure not even giving birth since Aisha may allah be pleased with her didn't have kids...
in the context of marriage if the Prophet was very thirsty for pleasure he would wait for years for her to start hitting Puberty until consummation
and the Prophet already had another wife.
you don't say that about countries where the norm go to 14 year or even 16 coz they are norms.. and they change as obligations an roles in societies change
Bro if you study marriage in Islam and how it functions it'd way more clearer coz I'm just assuming you know thing you're likely not.