Questions & Mysteries What "Kingly ambitions" do AdmiraLs have?


Lazy is the way
I disagree with this notion of all powerhouses should have CoC. The CoC will lose its hype if everyone gets it.
With adCOC compared to « normal » COC, COC is already losing hype, and the more we are going into the upper tier of power the more it will be common and nothing exceptional.

It is maybe a bad thing story wise but I think this will happen.

We can talk about this once Akainu shows his CoC.
Sengoku the former FA had COC. Akainu was hyped by Oda for his willpower and said if he was the MC he could be PK. He beat Aokiji after a 10 days fight.
I think it’s pretty much a given for Akainu to have it.

Yeah, one has adcoc and the other dont. You see the pattern here?
Luffy - adcoc
Kidd - CoC
Law - no CoC
Haha i don’t think there is a pattern. Both kid and Law have awakening Luffy don’t. It doesn’t mean Luffy won’t have awakening. Ithink Luffy will have COC related powers before the others but I think the others will have it too.

You can have more resolve than others but it doesn’t mean others won’t have COC.

You can't use Chinjao as a standard for CoC. Then there will be several hundred people in the NW with CoC. I mean:
- Why won't Jinbei, Franky, Robin get it if even Chinjao has it?
- Why won't all the supernovas have CoC?
- Why won't all the vice admirals have CoC?

Compare Law with his peers like Luffy, Kidd and you will get the answer.
Yes that is why I give him too (for later)

Law is not your common supernova or WG member.

Law is among the 3 most important SN captains.
Law was in the story for almost all the post time skip. I think has almost as panel time as a SH if not more post TS.

We followed Law backstory, Law is a D etc etc. Law is exceptional.

Law also was always with the other two.

Law main goal was to take down Doffy but he is also beyond that. Law also has ambition, ambition to discover history, ambition to be a big pirate too.

I use the Chinjao exemple to show you that even pirate who are not totally like Luffy can have COC. And you can have people with greater ambition than you and still have COC. You can even have moments with doubts and hesitations and have COC.

I think Law stock to have it if he lives to tell the tale is high.

While I def think the admirals will have it.
Sengoku had COC when was an admiral and fleet admiral, which objectively disproves the idea that admirals can't have COC. But Sengoku no longer counts because he recently retired? That's some gymnastics on your end.
He doesn't count because before he retired, he was not "an admiral," he was fleet admiral in the great age of pirates. The very top of the Marines presiding over admirals.
There is a reason why Law has an ultimate devil fruit. You could clearly see the difference between their thought process here against Big Mom:
Law: Cant believe I have to beat this monster just so I can learn more about history
Kidd: We're gonna bring her down even if it kills us

Kidd's resolve is on another level. Law is kind of undecided with his life goals, how could someone like that have CoC? Forget about others, heck, even Blackbeard might not have CoC.
But regardless what Law said he is still willing to learn the history even if it means to overcome monsters like her.

Doffy had none of that and even wet his pants from Kaido but had CoC.
With adCOC compared to « normal » COC, COC is already losing hype, and the more we are going into the upper tier of power the more it will be common and nothing exceptional.

It is maybe a bad thing story wise but I think this will happen.

Sengoku the former FA had COC. Akainu was hyped by Oda for his willpower and said if he was the MC he could be PK. He beat Aokiji after a 10 days fight.
I think it’s pretty much a given for Akainu to have it.

Haha i don’t think there is a pattern. Both kid and Law have awakening Luffy don’t. It doesn’t mean Luffy won’t have awakening. Ithink Luffy will have COC related powers before the others but I think the others will have it too.

You can have more resolve than others but it doesn’t mean others won’t have COC.

Yes that is why I give him too (for later)

Law is not your common supernova or WG member.

Law is among the 3 most important SN captains.
Law was in the story for almost all the post time skip. I think has almost as panel time as a SH if not more post TS.

We followed Law backstory, Law is a D etc etc. Law is exceptional.

Law also was always with the other two.

Law main goal was to take down Doffy but he is also beyond that. Law also has ambition, ambition to discover history, ambition to be a big pirate too.

I use the Chinjao exemple to show you that even pirate who are not totally like Luffy can have COC. And you can have people with greater ambition than you and still have COC. You can even have moments with doubts and hesitations and have COC.

I think Law stock to have it if he lives to tell the tale is high.

While I def think the admirals will have it.
Your entire essay is based on assumptions, Law will get it, Akainu 100% has it, all the powerhouses will get it, etc. And all this is a veiled attempt to prove Sanji will get it, lmfao. Get some proof, then we will talk again.
Sengoku is a confirmed CoC user, Garp is pretty much too, the possibility there even if small, with those two having it leaves open for possibilities for Akainu and Kizaru at least having. Maybe even Kuzan as he challenged Akainu for FA position, so the original admiral trio.

Have to see more from Fuji and Ryokugyu, but I say Kizau and Akainu have higher chances of having it than them.
Hilter and military leaders have Kingly ambitions to do in history. So, admirals can have king ambitions.

Sengoku have coc, but follow CDs and gorsei.
Garps don’t have coc but say CDs are scum and use racist term on it.

Akainu don’t have coc but he does speak anger to gorsei due doflamingo. The meeting is stopped by random Marine.

Does king ambitions count as commit mass killing because you want the enemy to be gone ?

What kadio ambition have for ?
And before he became Fleet Admiral, he was an admiral who still had COC and fought the Pirate King. Still hard on the gymnastics.
You don't know his history lol. If he has ambition and eventually made it then the implication is that he had strong goals and willpower

Luffy was a conqueror when he was getting beaten up by Bluejam, Zoro was a conqueror losing to Kuina daily, Doflamingo was a conqueror getting his ass whooped on a dirt road. It makes no sense to say that because someone wasn't always on top then that reflects their ambition.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
You don't know his history lol. If he has ambition and eventually made it then the implication is that he had strong goals and willpower

Luffy was a conqueror when he was getting beaten up by Bluejam, Zoro was a conqueror losing to Kuina daily, Doflamingo was a conqueror getting his ass whooped on a dirt road. It makes no sense to say that because someone wasn't always on top then that reflects their ambition.
So? Sengoku had COC even as an admiral. These made up scenarios and technicalities of yours doesn't change that.

The very fact an admiral had COC shows that other admirals can have as well.