People need to understand how insane Sanji Ap increase.
Fishmen island: Sanji HM was portrayal above Jinbe strongest moves.
Since that we can all agree that Sanji grow was better then Jinbe one.
And then he get Exekeleton who boost his states even greater and give him even harder and stronger kicks, he hit with HM Queen but so far it didn´t hurt Queen much.
As example Jinbe strongest move should be around G3lvl+ since he one shot WsW yet Onigashima Luffy with a mid G3 attack couldn´t knock out Pageone.
Exekeleton HM>>Jinbe strongest move(G3+)>G3 Elefant Gun
And now imagine, Sanji pulling out a new Dj version, Demon winds, a version where he combinate speed,strenght,exkeletton and CoA in one, just imagine the insane ap!!
From not damaging Queen much, he literally hurt him badly with his new DW version.
His Ap with his new form should be easily G4, in terms that he also can hurt his opponent interal with burning flames.
I doubt Boundman DR Luffy could beat Queen.
Queen>Doffy/DR Luffy
And Sanji is about to beat this monster...