Maybe she is Big Mom's sister or cousin? Personally I don't believe they are related, Bonney seems to have more of a connection with the World Government and Kuma.
She's from "Sorbet Kingdom" which is just adding insult to injury as it's the name of a dessert ofc and Big Mom has her massive food themes and food themed islands. But that kingdom is in South Blue apparently so it's already shot down the idea of it being a Big Mom territory ofc.
But why would Oda make her so blatantly similar to Big Mom? Relative of hers or even just massively inspired by her?

I'm so tired of these mysteries and more questions than answers. Oda is really milking the fanbase more than ever before.
One Piece fanatics/stans/Youtubers when Oda keeps
MILKING them by giving evasive, trolling answers and avoiding answering burning questions, giving us silhouettes which are waiting to be revealed, offscreens, new mysteries/lore drops with no further elaboration and unexplained moments for AGES and keep us all chasing the perpetual carrot on a stick:
(DONT watch the cow video WITHOUT headphones LMAO!!)

Maybe one day Oda will finally explain how Diable Jambe and Asura work?