Yes, if Oda could portray King with something individual that would show him on another level, like King being a character with awakening, advCoC and etc... So that the average reader will have no doubts that King is the strongest calamity.
But all we have now are isolated feats that are merely interpretive, you can say King's special race is better, I can say all advanced science in Queen's cyborg body is better. And then we would never reach a consensus.
Since both of them besides the dinosaur DF have super special powers
Oda could have written the story in a different way for us to put King on another level.
Now, you're looking for justifications to separate King and Queen, when that was never Oda's intention,
Oda simply wouldn't draw Marco, Zoro and scabbards putting King and Queen as equally powerful enemies
Oda might not have done both K&Q in the 1.3B range
Oda might not have made both of them introduced together and rivaling each other
Oda could not have made King and Queen act as a pair several times, like when they tried to stop Marco and Zoro from reaching the roof, and Marco dealing with them equally, also make them as a pair by destroying the entire main stage until Zoro and Sanji enter. And also acting as a duo in Oden's flashback defeating the scabbards
Oda could have chosen another narrative and given King individual portraits, individual presentation and individual exaggeration to show he's on another level, but Oda has exhaustively portrayed King and Queen together as rivals/doubles who are on the same level.
Take Katakuri for example, he was never grouped with Smoothie, he was the only son of BM who achieved 1B+, he had CoC, special paramecia and DF awakening. Whose manga declared him the ''invincible brother'' and Big Mom's strongest son.
King didn't have a special portrait like Katakuri, in fact he had a special exaggeration of YC, only he was shared with Queen
That's why I put Katakuri, King and Queen on the same level.