Powers & Abilities What is the white lightning of Ifrit Jambe ?

What is it

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The white colour of the conquerer. Sanji built different, quite literally :stealthblack: Makes sense because he is a blonde :lulz:

But, tbh, it can be lightning. If we allow room for further improvement, then lightning makes sense, the next power-up can be more intense fire, possibly magma. But I doubt it.
Oda may use it as a hint to give Sanji CoC. Anything can happen, considering EoS Luffy will be > Roger, EoS Zoro > Rayleigh and = roger, so Sanji can be = Rayleigh so that he can fight against Kizaru.
The white colour of the conquerer. Sanji built different, quite literally :stealthblack: Makes sense because he is a blonde :lulz:

But, tbh, it can be lightning. If we allow room for further improvement, then lightning makes sense, the next power-up can be more intense fire, possibly magma. But I doubt it.
Oda may use it as a hint to give Sanji CoC. Anything can happen, considering EoS Luffy will be > Roger, EoS Zoro > Rayleigh and = roger, so Sanji can be = Rayleigh so that he can fight against Kizaru.
Its plasma in my opinion. Actual lightning is just subpar.
Just a comment i made recently

Sanji said this last chapter


Sanji developed an even stronger CoA in the middle of the fight, but dont fool youself, thats actually just what Sanji thinks it is..

It's clear as day that he felt something else different with his CoA coating, he thinks he suddenly developed something new exclusively for the Exoskeleton in a span of 6 chapters, but thats not simply CoA

Editor's note chapter 1031

Then Oda draws Ifrit Leg with white CoC sparks so it wouldn't be that obvious for us, it would overshadow Zoro's CoC after 1033

What Oda did drawed:

What he actually wanted to draw:

Confirmed Ifrit Leg is Devil Leg + CoC, he is just developing it
Its lightning he got niji powers now.
Or it can also be nothing but a meaningless visual choice such as when he used DJ against judge and it was star shaped for no damn reason
Lightning is a bit different from electricity, it's kind of the same but lightning is way way hotter because it's a plasma in a way (caused by extremely high temperatures that can ionise the air).
Niji has electricity. If Sanji can produces the same effect just by raising the temperature of fire, then it's definitely lightning/plasma.
Just a comment i made recently

Sanji said this last chapter


Sanji developed an even stronger CoA in the middle of the fight, but dont fool youself, thats actually just what Sanji thinks it is..

It's clear as day that he felt something else different with his CoA coating, he thinks he suddenly developed something new exclusively for the Exoskeleton in a span of 6 chapters, but thats not simply CoA

Editor's note chapter 1031

Then Oda draws Ifrit Leg with white CoC sparks so it wouldn't be that obvious for us, it would overshadow Zoro's CoC after 1033

What Oda did drawed:

What he actually wanted to draw:

Confirmed Ifrit Leg is Devil Leg + CoC, he is just developing it

"Armament Haki i developed to the Exoskeleton", isn't that kinda odd? He needed to develop CoA specifically for Exoskeleton in 6 chapters? Sanji knows CoA already, what did made it so different this time? Did the Exoskeleton completely changed how he used to coat his leg with CoA?

Soon Sanji will realize this was CoC this whole time (doesn't need to be in Wano), that white lightning is being overshadowed by his flames, he is developing it slowly. That will be the next step for improving his flames even more until EoS

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Lightning is a bit different from electricity, it's kind of the same but lightning is way way hotter because it's a plasma in a way (caused by extremely high temperatures that can ionise the air).
Niji has electricity. If Sanji can produces the same effect just by raising the temperature of fire, then it's definitely lightning/plasma.
This plasma bs is nothing but headcanon with 0 proof in manga.