Unfortunately I think she will be an underdog but it would be nice if she could get a lot more ofc! I am tempted to offer to make skins/themes here if the admins are willing to allow it. I used to make themes for my own forums many years ago and I've done some basic website creation around that time too so I'm a little familiar with it.
Whoever did the Zoro skin for here did such an amazing job though! Both with the colour scheme and the background collage! I don't think I can make a background that good but I could try? I definitely don't mind experimenting with colour schemes to make ones that work well too.
Idk if they're keen on the idea of anyone just helping out like that, allowing them access/responsibility and such but I don't mind trying to make a few themes for here as an experiment at least.
For reference with the Zoro theme:
Although now I see that background is a premade wallpaper by someone else? I've seen stuff like that before to be fair and the One Piece subreddit used to get them made for their subreddit banners too.