No you didn't have any arguments. You had a load of negative iq takes that were easily debunked.
LMAO you just showed that your whole argumentation was based on your hate of sanji by insulting him, you already lost at the start of the convo :kobeha:
I approached it in a neutral way and as a sanji fan and still got more arguments than you somehow
Proof is sanji was huffing out of his ass after he stopped running that fast
Proof is Queen saying what sanji was doing is STUPID
Proof is until queen moves toward the ho making noise sanji lands a grand total of 0 attacks on invisible Queen.

But it's fine keep pretending sanjis amazing and better than a handful of the very strongest. No bigger cope.
Sanji saying huff one time is him dying and out of stamina?
But didn't he go on to attack in a barrage after that huff? Hmmm you seem mentally challenged.

So queen beung so stupid that he doesn't realize how much danger he is in is proof?
Sanji blitzed him to hell. How is that proof that it was a bad idea? It clearly worked and worked when he used hell memories:kata:


World's Strongest Swordsman
LMAO you just showed that your whole argumentation was based on your hate of sanji by insulting him, you already lost at the start of the convo :kobeha:
I approached it in a neutral way and as a sanji fan and still got more arguments than you somehow
Except you didn't. You said a load of dumb shit that isn't true.
My feeling on sanji are irrelevant.

The facts are sanjis "invisibility" was him running fast something he can't keep up for a long time
Something queen outright points his stupidity for
Also sanji is blowing out his ass huffing when he stops moving that fast
Sanji has no way to detect Queen when he was stood still which is why he landed no hits
All queen had to do is wait until he gassed out then finish him. Which is what he was doing until the ho came and distracted him leading to queen making a shit load of noise and attacking her leaving sanji free to sneak him.
All in the manga.

Now tell me your points again lmfao
Sanji saying huff one time is him dying and out of stamina?
But didn't he go on to attack in a barrage after that huff? Hmmm you seem mentally challenged.

So queen beung so stupid that he doesn't realize how much danger he is in is proof?
Sanji blitzed him to hell. How is that proof that it was a bad idea? It clearly worked and worked when he used hell memories:kata:
forget it, this dude thinks sanji couldn't see Queen, while we literally got his Pov, and sanji seeing him so clearly that he understood that he was gonna hit osome and that he was the one hitting her...
fuck it, he saw him so clearly that he used collier to land the kick on Queen's "collier" :kobeha:
"B-But H-He can't see Him he only guesses" :whitepress:
Except you didn't. You said a load of dumb shit that isn't true.
My feeling on sanji are irrelevant.

The facts are sanjis "invisibility" was him running fast something he can't keep up for a long time
Something queen outright points his stupidity for
Also sanji is blowing out his ass huffing when he stops moving that fast
Sanji has no way to detect Queen when he was stood still which is why he landed no hits
All queen had to do is wait until he gassed out then finish him. Which is what he was doing until the ho came and distracted him leading to queen making a shit load of noise and attacking her leaving sanji free to sneak him.
All in the manga.

Now tell me your points again lmfao
Sanji was able to do it all continuously. How 8s sanji unable to keep going? You have no proof besides queen saying he's stupid and then acting stupid himself:choppawhat:


World's Strongest Swordsman
Sanji saying huff one time is him dying and out of stamina?
But didn't he go on to attack in a barrage after that huff? Hmmm you seem mentally challenged.

So queen beung so stupid that he doesn't realize how much danger he is in is proof?
Sanji blitzed him to hell. How is that proof that it was a bad idea? It clearly worked and worked when he used hell memories:kata:
The only mentally challenged one is you who can seem to only read a few words on every post. It's all in my post above to the other window licker. Why sanji would lose. Sanji landing hits after he snuck queen who went after a ho is meaningless.
forget it, this dude thinks sanji couldn't see Queen, while we literally got his Pov, and sanji seeing him so clearly that he understood that he was gonna hit osome and that he was the one hitting her...
fuck it, he saw him so clearly that he used collier to land the kick on Queen's "collier" :kobeha:
"B-But H-He can't see Him he only guesses" :whitepress:
I cant with these tards anymore. This sites full of the worst sanji downplayers who don't even make sense
The only mentally challenged one is you who can seem to only read a few words on every post. It's all in my post above to the other window licker. Why sanji would lose. Sanji landing hits after he snuck queen who went after a ho is meaningless.
Bruh you explained nothing. Just copious amounts of headcanon and copium. Keep trying but you look stupid:josad:
Except you didn't. You said a load of dumb shit that isn't true.
My feeling on sanji are irrelevant.

The facts are sanjis "invisibility" was him running fast something he can't keep up for a long time
Something queen outright points his stupidity for
Also sanji is blowing out his ass huffing when he stops moving that fast
Sanji has no way to detect Queen when he was stood still which is why he landed no hits
All queen had to do is wait until he gassed out then finish him. Which is what he was doing until the ho came and distracted him leading to queen making a shit load of noise and attacking her leaving sanji free to sneak him.
All in the manga.

Now tell me your points again lmfao
EZ :

Sanji seeing Queen gonna hit the girl, that's not only from the sounds, he clearly saw him since he saw the intention of hitting her
Sanji hit Queen with Collier in HIS FKING "COLLIER" LMAO, he is seeing what he is doing...
Oda drew sanji's Pov...

Debunked easily


World's Strongest Swordsman
Bruh you explained nothing. Just copious amounts of headcanon and copium. Keep trying but you look stupid:josad:
Nothing I said is headcannon but exactly what happens or points made by the people there.
Queen didn't say oh wow he's so fast he's invisible wow sanji so cool
No he said that's stupid