Want to bet Sanji won't get CoC ?
As a monster trio fan I wish Sanji had conq haki too but honestly I doubt it will happen. Will they always be relative to each other? YES!!! Luffy always 1st Zoro always 2nd Sanji always 3rd doesn't even matter if Yamato joins she will be 4th. Zoro and sanji are the wings of the pirate king u can't fly with u even wings. Zoro is the sword Sanji is the shield. If u disagree then I ain't gonna say anything more this is what is presented in the story this is what Oda chose to do with this 3 characters. Eos I believe Luffy is number 1 Zoro is 2 and the only reason why Sanji is not top 3 in the world is conquerers haki I think he will be 5th. I believe kid will be 3rd law will be 4th. Kid has conq and magnetism is devastating if we apply real world physics. Law is definitely not a conq haki user but once he masters awakening he will be top tier as well.

Remember my words eos Luffy top in the verse Zoro second kid 3rd law 4th Sanji 5th