Voldy wins this. He is the strongest Dark lord in history. Grindy has other qualities but power wise Voldy is top dog
I first thought the same but after the last movie, Im not sure anymore xD.
Grindelwald was fucking op, spamm magic power thworing at the city, could probably even destroy it.
Also he kill many high mages simple and this is not even prime Grindelwald.
In the book Dumbledore humilate Voldemort and Dumble in his prime won extrem high diff against Grindelwald.
I know with the Horkrux Volde is pretty op, but don´t forget Grindelwald has enough skill to counter it.
I feel like Grindelwald would won extrem high diff against Voldi.


Lazy is the way
That's an exageration. There are other dark lords who are way more darker and even stronger than him. I think one of them is who created the Dementers, Extridis or something.

On the other hand, going by the movies at least, Grindelwald is more impressive powerwise and in other facets than Voldy.
The fantastic beast movies are really weird magic wise and introduced many things the previous books/movies didn’t have.

But Voldy was called the strongest/darkest/evilest/best dark lord one or two times in the books if I remember well.

Give a elder wand that works to Voldy and he can erase tte whole verse


Lazy is the way
I first thought the same but after the last movie, Im not sure anymore xD.
Grindelwald was fucking op, spamm magic power thworing at the city, could probably even destroy it.
Also he kill many high mages simple and this is not even prime Grindelwald.
In the book Dumbledore humilate Voldemort and Dumble in his prime won extrem high diff against Grindelwald.
I know with the Horkrux Volde is pretty op, but don´t forget Grindelwald has enough skill to counter it.
I feel like Grindelwald would won extrem high diff against Voldi.
Canon wise : The books >>>>>> the movies >> Fantastic beast movies without any books for base.

And both Dumby and Grindy had the elder wand. Voldy never had an Elder wand that worked. It was just his own prowess.

The guy beat down Kingsley Mcgo and Slug at the same time without that much efforts. The guy is a powerhouse
That's an exageration. There are other dark lords who are way more darker and even stronger than him. I think one of them is who created the Dementers, Extridis or something.

On the other hand, going by the movies at least, Grindelwald is more impressive powerwise and in other facets than Voldy.
Grindelwald is build different
Voldi is Kaido while Grindel is like Roger, very close but Grindel would take it.
He knows more dark power, more useful skills when Voldi just care for the Horkrux, in terms of many skills Grindel has more to offer.
The fantastic beast movies are really weird magic wise and introduced many things the previous books/movies didn’t have.

But Voldy was called the strongest/darkest/evilest/best dark lord one or two times in the books if I remember well.

Give a elder wand that works to Voldy and he can erase tte whole verse
I think I read somewhere that the writer of HP said that true user of the Elder Wand is Harry Potter since even before he was born, like some destiny shit. So It doesn't empower your magic spells unless you're Harry Potter.

Either way between Vody or Grindelwald powerwise and Villainwise I lean more towards the latter's camp going by the movies at least. The title of the strongest dark lord in the history is more like redherering to me nothing more.