What is King’s real name?

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Bald Spoiler Provider
Queen give king extrmee diff fight after this trash weakness got exposed

coc was his only hope of being above queen now that he doesn’t even have it

king is trash

rip sky split rip coc burst clash

hello gimmick defense easily bypass
The reason Impel Down Jailer Beasts are Awakened is same reason Kaido is called King of The Beasts or Strongest Creature, and the same reason CP-0 were afraid of his DF Powers

Because when Kaido does a certain Move (Most probably like Dragon Roar)
The Beasts will "Awaken" !!!

Kaido while fighting Luffy will receive News that all his Officers were Defeated, Luffy will most probably say something about how his Crew or Combatants are better, but Kaido gets 100% All Out, overwhelms Luffy & then reveal his Crew's Trump Card, which is
"Dragon's Roar of Beasts Awakening"

This Roar will also be heard by Capital which will make People look above & notice Onigashima approaching (Thinking that it was The Demon Head that made such Sound)
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