What is King’s real name?

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King does well against Zoro: HAHAHHA ZoLo trash getting humiliated by a Yonko Commander.
Zoro does well against King: HAHAHAH LING getting destroyed in 15 minutes. Cracker lasted longer.

I swear lmao, this shit's hilarious.
Meanwhile Zoro doesn't need magic fruits or freebies from his daddy and never used his strongest ability. Still no Black Blade Enma. :crazwhat:


The Rogue Prince
its as reactionary as the king >>>>> katakuri takes in all fairness
brainless takes all around
no commander is treating king the way zoro likely just did but i reckon with much more difficulty and figuring out the secret to his defense when his flames go off they should be able to hurt him.
he is relative to marco and katakuri.
I swear bruh, Thirsty gen was so much better in terms of the quality of discussion. :P
Nope, not even Oden level, he is shooting out haki full blast to manage Enma, and said as much in the previous chapter how impressive Oden's control was.
Oden, the man who lost to 20 years ago Kaido without using Hybrid/Awakening.
enma was odens wado ichimonji not a good comparison, you think 14y old oden had mastery of enma NO, Enma is used to final oden haki ver. Admiral lvl.
Sanjis potential and willpower is much higher than Kings
No it doesn't lol
King survived an extinction and put himself back together and became right hand man and by far the strongest subordinate of Kaido and strongest yonko commander in history.

Sanjis will power is so low he was shitting himself when Zoros will made him not give up against Mihawk
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